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Having depression alone is a struggle. Most people will call it attention seeking or they will tell you to "Just be happy" well guess what sadly it doesn't work that way and before you ask no it is not by choice I didn't choose to feel this way. Depression isn't just being sad there is a lot more to it and I'm gonna explain it to you.

To be depressed is to be tired, unmotivated, to have no energy. You feel nothing but sometimes everything and you can't even help it. It's knowing your not alone but feeling alone. Some times your depression can get so bad you can't get out of bed and no I'm not "just being lazy". Recently I started cutting Hell I just cut Yesterday! It's having the mind set of "who cares I won't be here much longer anyways".

Feeling suicidal is a part of most depression! Sometimes it's out of no where and sometimes it's over the little to big things. Sometimes with reason and sometimes without.

Sometimes it can cause you to loose trust in people...
And the hard part is keeping up the act... the fake smile ... the fake laugh... making everyone believe you are ok.

From my own personal experience I sometimes feel like I'm drowning.. I have trust issues from people leaving cause of my depression saying I am acting sad for attention.

Now I don't know if anyone will ever read this book but if you are reading this and you have feel anything I write about or you have anything I talk about... depression, anxiety, ect. Please comment or dm me! Your not alone although it might feel like you are and I am walkways here to talk to anyone!

MY STORY Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ