~Chapter one~A surprise visit from Paris

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So I woke up this morning very early because I was going to to surprise my pen pal back in the states by visiting him. So I was putting everything in the cab so that I could get the show on the road, and two I couldn't wait to see the states again considering I grew up there but it's been four years since I got this job as a model. Then moved here by my self.

The cab driver was waiting for me to get in so I did and once in the cab he drove away heading for the airport and pulled out all of the letters from my pen pal named Hunter Cross. See we weren't your normal elementary school pen pals of course that's how it all started but we somehow were able to keep in touch even when one of us moved. When we first started writing I lived in Texas and he lived in Indiana so now I live in Paris and he lives in Alabama which conveniently is exactly were my family was been living ever since I moved to Paris, France. I was in eighth grade or should say was going into the eighth grade, and now I'm a busy model and a strait A high school student and was going in to my senior year in less than three months.

But I told my bosses that I wanted to finish my schooling in Alabama close to my parents and they all agreed to let me stay in the states for my senior year which meant I would be going to the same school as Hunter. A few minutes later I was at the airport checking in my luggage when I was spotted by a few of my fans and run towards me and stopping just about a foot in front of me asking for an autograph and I signed them and started toward the gates and food court to first grab a bite to eat so I find Cinnabon and walk in and ordered and payed for one of there famous cinnamon bun and a coffee before sitting down to wait for them to call me back to get my order.

I was about to get up to get my food when my food was brought to me with a small bouquet of lilies, roses, and baby's breath I look up to see the young waiter smile and say " I bought the flowers for you miss and enjoy your meal." Before he got away from me I stood up and kissed he cheek and said thank you and put a rose in him pocket and sat back down and started to eat my food quietly. Once I finished my delicious breakfast I grabbed the small bouquet of flowers and waved at the staff and blew a kiss at the young waiter named Eric and smiled as he caught it and said "thanks."and walked out of the little shop towards gate nine.


I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock and hit snooze before getting up to turn it off. Then I got up and went straight to my kitchen and fixed me some breakfast before taking a shower. Once I'm out dried off and at least in a pair of blue jean shorts I hear a knock on the door so I walk to the front door look out the peep hole and see my cousin Connor and my best friend Kyle and open the door for them to com in.

As soon as they are in the door they both start asking me about my pen pal Chloe Brooks and I smile because I had just got a letter from her yesterday saying, DearHunter,

Hey Hunter how are you doing? I am in the middle of both going crazy with my modeling schedule and boredom and also still trying to get my request for some time away from modeling so I can finish my senior year of high school actually in school not online. And I'm still trying to find a way to see my precious family back in the states but so far nothing is or has been worked out. P.S. I wish that one day we could meet in person.

your best friend,


So I showed them both the letter and they were like "Man you should like save up some money and go to Paris and see the girl, because if you don't then we will because we want to meet this model pen pal of yours and hang with her."

I looked at my cousin and best friend and shook my head and said " Yeah right like she would spend time with you two by her self. She is a supermodel not a cheerleader." they look at me like what does a cheerleader have to do with her. and I continue on by saying " She is not the type of girl to throw herself that a guy just because he wants her to.''

I then look at the photo she had sent me of one of her favorite photo shoots which was at the beginning of the summer when she was in a orange, blue, and purple bikini with a purple wrap around her hips on the beach at sunset. And smiled at the thought of the possibly of meeting her for the first time since the second grade when we got to be each others pen pal.


So I am just two hours away from landing in Huntsville, Alabama. And so close to finally meeting Hunter for the first time and two to surprise both my family and Hunter with the news that I will be staying here in the states for my full senior year of high school. So I'm so excited that the time has flew by like time does when your having fun.

<Two hours later>

I'm now riding in a cab to my parents house to surprise them and then I'm off to find my pen pal. The cab finally pulls up to my parents house and I get out grab my bags, and pay the cab driver. I walk up to the front door and knock waiting for my mom and dad to open the door. Then I hear the sound of my little sister yelling " I'll get it mom" , and opens the door and stands there frozen for a minute so I say" Excuse me but do you by chance have a mom and dad I can speak to."and she squeals and runs to me and hugs me tight and I do the same back when we hear our parents say" Callie who is at the doo...," my mother stops.

Causing dad to bump into her back as she just stares at me in shock while dad quickly walks down the stairs and hugs me and spins me around before setting me down just in time for my mom to grab me in to one of her famous hugs before releasing me. I smiled at my family and then said" I have good news I will be staying in the states for my senior year of high school and for the following summer and during all of this my modeling agency is and will be scheduling photo shoots and a few modeling gigs thought out my stay here in the states."

My sister squealed again and hugged me saying "You'll be going to school with me then." I smile and shake my head in confirmation and my parents smile and say "Oh, sweetie this is amazing we get to spend time with you now. Do you know where your going to be staying?" I look at my mother and say " I do I'll be living in a two bedroom one bath house in a neighborhood called Cortana bleu Terrace which is close by the high school." and I hear my mother gasp then she says" That is a very expensive place to live," but then it dawned on her that I was a international supermodel and could afford it and she smiled." Well then I guess you want your Lamborghini that the agency gave you as a thank you for you joining them." I smile and say not if your using it." and she looks at me and shakes her head no then gets up and walks over to the front door and get the keys to my Lamborghini and tosses them to me.

Then I hug my family and head for the garage to get my black beauty. Got all of my stuff in my car and headed for my new home.


I finally got rid of my cousin and best friend and finished getting ready for basket ball practice with the rest of the team. So as I'm leaving for practice I see a black Lamborghini drive past me in to my neighborhood at Cortana bleu Terrace and vowed to meet the person who drove it after practice. So I as I'm stretching Kyle calls me and says" Dude, there is a new hot chic in our neighborhood and she drives a black Lambo. We should invite her to a party so that we can meet her," and I agreed with him we should invite the new girl to a party.

Please comment, vote, and add to your library but most of all I'd love to hear y'all's opinion of my story since its my first one.

Love, Angel18Rose

P.S. I'll post my next chapter later today so be on the look out for Chapter three.

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