#chapterFive - #nearlyDied

Depuis le début

Hunter doesn't move.

"Hunter," I grunt, pulling his shirt collar.

Hunter doesn't move.

"Hunter," I moan, throwing my hands into the air.

Hunter doesn't move.

I give an exasperated sigh and collapse onto his chest.

I close my eyes.

Why isn't he breathing? I think.

Hunter's not breathing.

Hunter's not breathing!


I begin to hyperventilate. How'd you get someone to start breathing again?

CPR! I blow into his mouth until my cheeks hurt.


I run out the door, screaming, "Help!"

"What happened?" ask Cinderella and Daring's voices.

They've obviously been awake for hours.

"Hunter's... not... breathing..." I gasp between breaths.

I feel so bad breathing when Hunter's not.

I crawl back into my room. How is his heart still beating? At least that means he's not... d- de- not alive. At least that means he's not not alive. So... he's alive.


I hear murmuring outside and two men holding a white blanket between them march in, put Hunter onto it and carry him out.

I run after them, catching up to them and then grabbing Hunter's hand.

I wish I could see his eyes. His beautiful brown eyes.


It takes three hours of waiting and crying before I'm allowed to go into the hospital room to see Hunter.

"He has a collapsed lung, and is in a coma," the nurse says.

I carefully step in. He has wooden tubes in his arms and a rubber mask on his face. His eyes are closed.

He looks dead.

But he's not dead.

He can't be dead.

Hunter's not dead.

"We'll give you two some alone time now," murmurs the doctor, slowly backing away.

I carefully kneel down by his bed and whisper in his ear.

"Hunter, if you can hear me, it's me, Ashlynn Ella Glass, the Ever After High fangirl and lover of Twitter," I chuckle in spite of the situation. "And I really really really need you to wake up. I'm gonna come back tomorrow, and you're gonna have your freaking butt off this bed, and we'll go exploring arm in arm. Wake up for me. And for you. And for Snow and Princess and Aurora and Lizzy and Ethan and Dexter and Declan and Daring and Cinderella. But please just wake up. I feel bad to breathe when you're not.

"I love you, Hunter."

Cue overdramatic music and crying noises.

I cry a lot.

In the carriage on the way home.

In my - our room at home.

In the carriage on the way back.

When the nurse says he's not not dead-ish yet.

In the carriage on the way back.

In our room at home.

In the carriage on the way back.

When the nurse says he's not not dead-ish yet.

I don't eat.

I don't sleep.

I just cry.

I cry until my eyes are red and puffy and can't close and my hair is scraggly and white (gosh knows why it's white) and my skin isn't rosy and soft anymore.

Then we get the letter.

Dear Ms Ashlynn Ella Glass, and friends,

You should be pleased to know that Hunter Hugh Henry Henderson has awakened from his coma and we have been able to reflate his lung.


I don't care about the rest.

Hunter's alive!

I brush my hair until it's silky and blonde again, I sleep until my eyes are pure emerald again, I moisturise until my skin is so rosy and fresh that rosy and fresh wish they were as rosy and fresh as my skin.

Point is, I got all dolled up.

To go to the hospital.

Do I have a problem?


A love problem.


I finally updated! Yaaaaaay!

Hunter's alive! Yaaaaaaaaay!

I got a comment (even though the comment was comment) and a vote! Yaaaaaaaaaay!

I'm in Germany! Yaaaaaaay!

Hunter and Ashlynn (and a few unwanted guests) are definitely going exploring in the next bit...

As soon as I finish watching all the Sims 4 Let's Plays I can find.

Just kidding!

Or am I...

Peace out from LocoMOSHion!

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