#chapterFive - #nearlyDied

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I wake up on a silk couch and I see everyone's faces, mainly Hunter's, staring down at me.

"Andalasia Hunter?" I ask

"No," he says.

"Perfect." I pull him close and we spend the next two minutes kissing.

"I was so worried, Ashlynn. I-"

"Well, you don't have to worry any more."

He turns around and everyone's gone.

"Just you and me," Hunter grins.

"I love you, Hunter."

And we make out there and then on the silky blue couch.

We go swimming in a lake and my knee starts stinging but I don't care. After a while I can't feel my foot so Hunter carries me around like a dolphin on his back.

Then we go for lunch at some other guy's house and Hunter and I stay stuck together like glue.

"I still don't know what happened,"

So as we ride home in Cinderella's coach, I tell them all the whole story, how Zachary showed me about his fancy house, shoved me into his huge soft bed, the crazy stuff he did, the birds, the bruise and the sprain and the skin, and Hunter puts his arm around me protectively.

"How do you even know Zachary?" I ask Cinderella.

All eyes on her.

"Well," she starts, "He's my husband's cousin's best friend's butler's son's dog's kennel-cleaner's wife's secret husband's third cousin twice removed's sister's best friend's old gardener's son."

"Oh." I pause. "Wait-husband? No offence, but..."

"She looks a little young to be married?" Snow pipes up. We get there and she reveals a large painting on one of the walls. "I've been charting the stars and the planets and all the other things and I've found that Andalasia," she points to a huge rainbow circle on the wall, "is so big and so far away from Earth," she runs to the other side and points to a blue and green and white circle, "that it actually affects how young people look. I can truthfully tell you that Cinderella is 40."

Cinderella nods.

The Earthians make wha? faces and the Andalasians make me too! faces.

"Now, there's loads of parts of Andalasia: Disney, DreamWorks, loads!"

Hunter and I look at each other.

Let's go exploring! he eye-says.

Swell yeah! I eye-reply.

Tomorrow? he eye-asks.

Day after. Need more time to pack. I smile.

"Okay, I'm going to bed. Race you bums upstairs!" calls Aurora.

Hunter runs backwards.

"Look out!" we scream, as Hunter topples backwards into a deep indoor fountain.

Laughing, I pull him out.

He fake-pouts. "That hurt!"

I giggle, running my hand through his hair.

We're upstairs and I pull Hunter into our room. One of the walls is just windows and another one is just mirrors.

I fall asleep on his chest, listening to his heartbeat and his breath.

The clock strikes 5, waking me up.

5 am? Not bad.

"Hunter," I mumble, rubbing my eyes. "Time to get ready."

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