I just realized that all the jobs I'm trying to get, are looking for experienced, prepared, and probably average grade women. The only money I get is from my boyfriend. We aren't on good terms right now and I shouldn't have to rely on a man to get what I need.

I heard heels click from another stall over to mines. Shit.

"Open the door sweetie" I heard her say. I don't know why but I did. "What's wrong?"

"I'm a failure. I was late to my interview today and I didn't have anything with me" She pulled me out of the stall to the mirror. I looked at my black tears falling down my face.

The woman wiped my face with some makeup wipes then redid my makeup. She literally had a whole set in her purse.

"Thank you" I said blowing my nose.

"No problem honey. I'm Imani"


"Who was your interview with?"

"Um. Mr.Alsina"

"Oh. He's pretty understanding"

"No I can't go back there. He seen my bra"

"Then he'll be even more understanding" She grabbed my hand and led me back to his office. "August" He looked up from the computer.

"You found her. Katherine I found all your papers on your online profile. You got the job"

"Really?!" I hugged Imani on impulse and when he stood up I hugged him. I realized that I was hugging him and slowly pulled away. "Sorry again. Thank you. You won't regret this!"

"I'm sure I won't. Imani can you show her around?"

"Sure thing" She pulled me along showing me around the whole floor, introducing me to everyone, and she took me to her office afterwards.

"So what will I be doing?" I asked her.

"You're his assistant. You'll go with him to important meetings, get his coffee, maybe his lunch, help him create projects. This is a magazine so you might help him with an article"

"I never thought someone like him would work at a magazine. Is he-"

"No he isn't gay. So you should make sure you don't show him your bra again"

"Ugh that was a complete embarrassment"

"I'm so curious though, are you Chinese?"

"I'm Korean"

"Oh cool. Well if you have anymore questions feel free to call me. Your first day is Monday. 8am to 6pm"

"Great. I'll see you then" I stood up and left walking to the subway with a smile on my face.

At my apartment

I walked to my front door nervous when I seen a red paper on the door. I'm getting evicted. They're kicking me out. I don't have anywhere to go. I walked inside and packed a bag. I walked 12 miles to my boyfriends house. I got there at night.

Some of his friends were over which I was not in the mood for. I knocked on the door and he opened it laughing with a beer in his hand.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I got evicted"

"Oh and what? Now you need me?"

"Yes Davion I do!"

"Come in. Don't be stingy with that ass either" He nudged me to the stairs so I went up to his room. I changed into some leggings and a tank top then laid down.

I was so hungry but he'd say I was needy if I told him that. He walked in an hour later. He closed and locked the door leaving it completely dark except for the light shining in the window.

He climbed into bed and turned me over.

"I don't know how long it's gonna take for you to see that you'll always need me but for now I'll keep showing you"

"Please don't hurt me Davion"

"Please don't scream"


I took a long and hot shower still sore. I looked at my new bruises in the mirror. My throat hurt from crying so much and my stomach was dying of hunger.

I quickly got dressed in a pair of blue distressed jeans and a black v-neck. The jeans were too loose and the shirt was too tight. He'll kill me for wearing this but I don't have anything else.

I ate some cereal before he woke up then sat on the porch. My hair was dry and wavy now. Davion is a wealthy man and he lives in a very nice part of New York. I hope to make it bigger than he has though. I had on the pair of Converse he bought me a while ago. He said I could only wear them if we were together.

I seen Mr.Alsina taking his trash out across the street. He lives across the street from my boyfriend. Shit. He seen me and waved me over. I got up and walked over as normal as I could.

"You live over here?" He asked.

"No my boyfriend does"

"Oh. Why were you walking like that?"

"Um. Sl-slept on the couch last night. It wasn't very comfortable"

"Is that a bruise?" He said looking at my arm. "There's one on your face too!"

"No they aren't bruises. Well they are bruises. I'm pretty clumsy and I fall a lot"

"Mmm. Okay then"

"KATHERINE!!" Davion yelled from the doorway. I got scared.

"Sorry. I'll see you at work on Monday" I walked back over to his house and he yanked me in by my hair. Mr.Alsina seen it too.

"The fuck you talking to him for?!" He said holding me against the wall.

"He's my boss"

"Well next time you talk to him don't be wearing this tight ass shirt. Damn little hoe. I should be the only one seeing all that."

"Davion I don't have anything! Everything I have is too loose or too tight. I'm sorry"

"Get out"

"D- Babe. It's cold outside. You're really kicking me out now?"


I walked past him to his room and put on my jacket. I put the hood up and grabbed my bag. I walked out close to tears. I walked down the street to a bus stop. I have 5 dollars. I have 5 dollars, a bag of raggedy clothes, and the clothes on my body. That's it.

He's The Boss (August Alsina)Where stories live. Discover now