Visions (14)

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I woke up to Louis kissing my cheek and getting up , and got dressed which I did as well . I suddenly felt sick and went to the bathroom to throw up afterward I was ok and was able to eat but had a lot of cravings that I couldn't have . I didn't think anything of it until I started felling dizzy and my vision was getting blurry .

Me and Louis were out hunting and was getting closer towards the school until my vision started getting blurry again , I started struggling to walk until Louis helped and said " we'll see what's wrong with you when we get back " . I nodded and we continued on .

Once we got back we shut the gate and suddenly everything went black . I saw a figure in the distance of the darkness and walked toward it . It was a figure of my brother and he was running to me . I tried to run to him but I was stuck in place then I saw AJ with a gun pointing at both my brother , James, Louis and me . Then he shot 8 times and then I woke up and Louis was next to me smiling with his head on my stomach asleep . He suddenly woke up and said " do you know yet ?" And I say " know what yet ?" He smiled widely and says " we're pregnant " I cover my mouth while smiling and then hugged hi. Tightly .

We walk back to our room , hand in hand . We walk into our room and start thinking of ideas to tell them . Then we also thought about a gender surprise where only ruby will know and we won't know but then we will find out . Once we planned it all out Louis picked me up spun me around and kissed me , then put me down .

We went to go get our food once Omar told us to . We walk outside and got our food and sat with everyone else then afterwards we started playing games because we were all board . After we finished we decided to tell everyone before they went to bed . Once we told them they all said things to us and so did clem but she gave me a short sympathetic look and I looked at her confused but she mouthed to me that she would tell me tomorrow . I nodded towards her and everyone went to bed me and Louis went back tour room hand in hand and we lay down on our bed with his arms wrapped around me holding my stomach .

No I am not dead I am very much alive . I will soon make a schedule of when I update my books so you won't have to wait so long for updates .


Word count : 466  

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