By your side (Part 16)

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Prerna- Ko..Komolika's groom

She said almost in sobs. Anurag nodded, prompting her to continue

Prerna- Mathur


As Prerna and Anurag stepped in, the hall had a warm, jovial ambience. The walls an pillars were decorated with yellow satin cloth and white fairy lights. There in the centre sat Komolika in a gorgeous yet simple yellow dress covered in haldi. Her face adored a bright smile and prerna's heart broke a little at the thought that she was going to erase the smile. 

Sensing her thoughts Anurag slipped his hand in hers and gave her an assuring smile. But the truth was, inside even he was unsure and scared. Will Komolika understand? What if she hasted them forever? How much ever it scared him to lose his friendship with Komolika he understood that it was very important to tell her. 

A week ago when Prerna had cried after gaining the knowledge that Naveen Mathur was Komolika's groom. It had taken immense persistence from Anurag to get the truth out if her. He was glad that he had unknowingly saved her once. However his blood boiled that she hadn't cared enough to tell him this before. It had angered him that he had not sensed her agony. It made him upset that she had to go through it alone. It made him feel useless to have not helped. But not anymore. After warning Komolika he is going to send that man behind bars. The only place he deserves to be. 

With plastered smiles the duo walked in. Anurag was sent to an adjoining room where the other men were. Prerna on the other hand made her way up to Komolika. Kneeling down she applied some haldi on her cheeks befor whispering in her ear to meet her upstairs. Komolika nodded a little puzzled as Prerna stepped back allowing others to apply Haldi on the prospective bride. 

Prerna made her way upstairs her heart thumping wildly. How will she ever tell Komolika who Naveen Mathur is actually! Suddenly an arm reached for her and pulled her inside a room, pulling her out of her own dilemma. There stood Anurag. 

Placing a hand on her chest after letting out a sigh of relief she spoke

Prerna- You scared the wits out of me Anurag!!! What was the need to pull me in her like this??

Anurag who was busy closing the door turned around with a naughty smile. 

Anurag- I was thinking, our haldi ceremony did not happen properly, both of us were sad and most probably cursing the other!

Prerna- What is your point Anurag!!

Anurag pulled out a bowl of haldi 

Prerna's eyes widened as she stepped back 

Prerna- No! Never! Don't even think about it! Mr Basu back off

Anurag- Not so easily Mrs Basu

He ran towards her and she having no where to go backed up into the wall. 

Prerna- Anurag No!!! I am warning you Anurag!! Do not even try 

Anurag- To bad wifey, I have made up my mind. 

He applied some haldi to his cheeks and then kept the bowl on the desk beside them. He bent forward slightly dipping his head. His cheeks brushed against hers, the haldi staining her cheek too. He repeated his actions on the other side. Once done he stepped back only to earn a glare from Prerna

Prerna- I hate you Mr Basu 

Anurag- But I love you Mrs Basu

Prerna huffed in annoyance when a knock disturbed the husband- wife banter. Coming Prerna replied and walked towards the door. Unlocking it she pulled it open to see Komolika waiting there. Prerna suddenly felt uncomfortable as she stepped aside making way for Komolika to enter. 

As Komolika entered she noticed the haldi on the duos face

Komolika- Wah, wah meri haldi ceremony main tum dono ka romance chal raha hai!

Prerna smiled half heartedly

Komolika- Why did you call me? Jaldi bolo! I have to go back down

Prerna nervously fiddled with her fingers as she exchanged nervous glances with Anurag. 

Komolika- Guys, stop staring at each other, you can do that home also. Tell me quickly I have to go 

Komolika exclaimed impatiently. When the duo still said nothing concerned filled Komolika. 

Komolika- Is everything okay? 

Still gaining no response Komolika became anxious. 

Komolika- Guys, now you are scaring me. What is wrong

Still the dup was not able to muster the courage to speak up. 

Komolika- You are freaking me out. Say something damn it!

Anurag took in a sharp long breath before finally uttering some incoherent words. 

Komolika- Louder and clearer please Anurag!

Komolika was now losing her patientce. First the duo call her up in between her haldi ceremony and then suddenly they both have gone mute and after immense persistence when one of the finally said something, it just seemed gibberish. 

Anurag- Prerna needs to tell you something 

he said passing a meaningful glance to Prerna. Komolika's gaze shifted to Prerna as her eyebrows raised in expectation. Prerna on the other hand was dead nervous. Her palms got sweaty as she wiped the against her dress. She took on a deep long breath bracing herself to deliver the news.

Prerna- Don't get married

She said it so fast it took two minutes for Komolika to register what Prerna said. And she laughed. She laughed!? Prerna and Anurag exchanged glances of surprise and amusement. 

Komolika- You both were all nervous and anxious to say this. You guys had actually scared me. Don't worry we will still be great friends. And Naveen can also join us I am sure we all will gel well. Don't stress. Chill okay? Now I have to go. 

She turned to go when Prerna held her hand.

Prerna- No, you are missing the point 

Komolika crossed her arms and said

Komolika- Then what is the point?

Prerna looked at Anurag he nodded and left not before mentioning that he was outside incase the duo needed him. 

Prerna then asked Komolika to sit on the edge of the bed and she sat beside her. She took Komolika's hands in hers and said

Prerna- Do you trust me? 

Komolika- What kind of question is this?

Prerna- It is a straight forward question, just answer me

Komolika- Yes, of course, but why are you asking me this? 

Prerna- Because i need you to trust me on whatever I am going to tell you next

Komolika nodded 



Hi guys! I am back!

I hope you all enjoyed the update. Thanks for all the wishes they worked magic. I am all fine now to all of you who sent wonderful wishes. 

Also my collab FF with @Arpitab14 on parica has been published. It is named Unscripted. Be sure to check it out. You can find it in my third reading list!

Target votes- 70

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