Masked Trouble (Part 5)

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The unconscious figure of Prerna lay still as a response and it hurt Anurag more. The ambulance pulled into the hospital...


Prerna was directly taken to the operation theatre. Anurag quickly called his family members and informed them about the happenings. The Basu's immediately rushed towards the hospital as Anurag stood outside OT his gaze fixed towards the light that was on. How would he ever forgive himself if anything happened to Prerna. How would he ever meet eye to eye with himself?

He stood there gazing at the light, silently praying for her well being. Though his concern was out of guilt because he hardly knew her, it had left a great impact on him. The OT lights go off as the Basu's rush into the hospital. 

Mohini- Anu, is Prerna okay?

Anurag- I don't know

The doctor steps out and Anurag rushes towards him

Anurag- Doctor is she okay? 

The doctor removes his mask

Doctor- She is stable but still unconscious. We will shift her into a room and keep her under observation for 2 days. If everything will be fine you can take her home after that. 

Anurag- Can I see her?

Doctor- Once she has been shifted to her ward. Now please excuse me 

Anurag finally breathe a sigh of relief. Moloy followed the doctor to settle the payments. 

Prerna was shifted into a room and Anurag went inside to be by her side. Mohini and Moloy join him shortly. Soon the nurse came and informed them that only one person could stay the night with Prerna and hence Anurag insisted that Moloy and Mohini go home and rest while he stays in the hospital.

Though reluctantly the couple agrees and heads back home while Anurag sits besides Prerna's bed whispering apologies. Since it was already late and Anurag was pretty tired he eventually drifted off too sleep.

In the dead of the night a masked man enters Prerna's room and finding even Anurag sound asleep he closes oxygen cylinder knob and walks away. Due to lack of oxygen Prerna starts gasping for air. Anurag wakes up with a jerk and gets worried seeing Prerna like that he runs out to call the doctor. He calls the doc and nurses and asks them to check what happened to Prerna. 

The Doctor himself is quite surprised as to what happened to Prerna an why she is not able to breathe. The doctor asks the nurse to prepare injection. Prerna starts breathing even more heavily and all of a sudden the chaotic room falls silent. Prerna falls on the bed lifeless as the vital sign monitor goes blank. Anurag holds Prerna's hand and says she cannot go like this and asks doc to do something. Doc gives defibrillator shock. But it does not seem to work. Prerna's body jerks up but falls back onto the bed lifeless. Anurag tightens his grip around her hand as if urging her to draw strength from him. 

Anurag suddenly sees oxygen cylinder off and informs Doc. Doc asks nurse to switch it on soon. Prerna starts breathing again. Anurag says he will not let anything happen to her.

The Doc steps out and scolds nurses how can oxygen cylinder get off, what were they doing. Nurse apologises and says Anurag fell asleep and she had gone out for 2 minutes to get injection. Doctor asks how can this happen and asks Anurag if he saw anything unusual. Anurag says he fell asleep. 

The doctor suggests that they should shift Prerna home tomorrow when she gains conscious. Anurag agrees and spends the rest of the night by her side wide awake. She was already in this state because of him and now if he could not stay alert and repent for his mistake then he would forever be disappointed in himself. 

The next day Prerna wakes up to see Anurag beside her and is utterly surprised. She tries to sit up and he immediately stands up to help her. Once comfortable Prerna asks him to relax and sit.

Anurag- Prerna I am really very sorry yeh sab mere wajah...

Prerna- Anurag nothing happened because of you. In fact I am alive now because you got me here on time.

Anurag- But..

Prerna places her hand over his

Prerna- Relax Anurag I am fine and please don't blame yourself.

Anurag nods and calms down thankful that she does not blame him. 

Later Anurag gets the discharge finalised and takes Prerna home where she is overwhelmed by the care and concern she is showered in her new house. She then goes to her room for some rest. Anurag enters the room to see Prerna in some deep thought fiddling with her fingers

Anurag- What happened? What are you thinking about 

Prerna hesitates slightly but eventually says 

Prerna- let us go and have ice cream. 

Anurag- doc told you should rest. 

Prerna- Come on I am not that unwell plus it is the best way to ask for forgiveness

Anurag eventually gives in and takes Prerna in the car for ice cream. They both stop at a roadside shop and cross road. A masked driver speeds car towards them. Anurag sees it on time and pushes himself and Prerna aside. He scolds the driver if he is blind that he cannot see. Driver reverses car and speeds towards them again Anurag is completely shocked while Prerna is no better shape. Anurag recovering quickly pulls Prerna close to him as her body crashes against his the car inches closer to them. Still unable to move due to utter shock Prerna squeezes her eyes shut when...


That is all for today, Please vote and comment. 

Target votes- 30

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