Epiphany/Man in the Mirror: Males

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District Two: Fabron Eloi

My eyes Fluttered open as the Faces of the fallen are shown in the Arenas sky.

I sat up and grabbed my  weapons and took a walk for a while trying to get the deaths of Spencer  and Josie off my Mind. Shards were scattered on the ground, Mirrors were  bent and smashed all over as I walked through the place where the house  of mirrors once was. The cool breeze passed through me, It calmed my  nerves. Nature always seemed to be my big stress reliever whenever I was  down and depressed.

Ever since Fel died Life  wasn't the same. I became Isolated, more distant to my fellow district 2  people. The only people I talk to are my parents and the young ones  that call me Big bro. Lost in my own thoughts I continuously walked and  passed by a broken mirror about my size. I saw my reflection through my  peripheral vision on the broken mirror. I had to stop and took a step  back. I stood nervously at the mirror and held my axe tightly. Chills  ran down my spine as I looked closely at my reflection, the mirror  reflected me, my Stance, my posture, the way I held my weapon and also  the confused looked I was wearing at the moment. The only difference is  He looked older than me, My reflections physique and body grew larger  and more Muscular than I am now, My reflections hair shaggier than mine  now and my axe on the reflection is not covered in blood, Heck it's not  even an axe, my reflection is holding Instead it was Liquor yeah I know  He looks Okay but He was Alcoholic.

"Have we Met before?" I gasped, I dropped my weapon. D-did my Reflection just talk? To me?

"I..." I trailed off second guessing if I'll reply or not. "I'm y-you" I said.

"Well it seems I am you from when I was younger, From when I won the Games." He smiled as he sat flat on the ground.

I froze because of his  statement. The Smile I saw my reflection give was genuine and sincere. I  sat down on the ground as well and started a conversation with myself. I  know I looked like an Idiot talking to myself in the mirror. But I know  I just have to talk to myself from the future. Maybe he can put my mind  at peace. He can tell me that everything will be alright and that  Nothing else would go wrong.

"What do you mean 'From when you won the Games?'" I asked curiously.

"Well I am you in the  future. Doesn't that Make sense to you? What Part of 'FUTURE' don't you  get?" My reflection asked as he took a sip of liquor from the bottle he  was holding.

Wow. Am I really that cocky with my attitude, and why is my reflection an alcoholic?

"You mean I'll survive this games?" I asked again.

"It depends." My  reflection trailed off. "You see..." He drank more liquor, took a deep  breath then let out a heavy sigh before he continued to talk. "I am the  reflection of your would be Future. This is what you're going to look  like after being crowned as a victor, But that doesn't mean You'll win.  Remembered what you said? That in this games nothing will be okay." He  said. Pain crossed his eyes. The same pain that Crossed mine when Fel  died.

I snapped back to  reality. "Did something happen, you know in the games" I asked  nervously. Instantly, more pain crossed the eyes of my reflection.

"Pebbles" He said quietly as if he was whispering each syllable of my district partners name.

"W-what About her?" Nerves started to pick up again, My palms became sweaty and my heart started pumping rapidly.

"S-she died Because I  wasn't there when she needed me. She died because I was selfish enough  to care! I was stupid to leave her alone while she was sleeping. It was  because of me , the other Career that was with us Killed her while she  was sleeping! She Died because of me! She died because I wasn't there to  protect her, Because I couldn't do anything to save her. It was all  because of me!" My reflection bursted to tears. He once more drank the  bottle of liquor, not caring if some has trailed off to his chin and  dripped down to his leather slick pants and ground.

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