Task Five: Epiphany/Man in the Mirror

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Arena One: Epiphany

The sky is free of any demonic birds that could possibly attack you, now instead filled with stars and the faces of the dead.

Jasper-Ivory Tuscan

For a while, you think  you might get a break from the arena and get to relax, hide, restock on  any lost supplies and heal. When the sun rises, you still have that  impression, though you are quickly given a reality check when Fillius'  face appears in the sky.

"Tributes!" he calls,  and worry begins to fill you; after the vultures from yesterday, it is  difficult to predict what atrocity he will have made for you. "We in the  Capitol have decided to give you an... educational... day today. We have  done some research and thought up the most likely ways for each of you  to die, if you should do so."

A gas descends onto you,  smelling sickeningly sweet, like a bunch of fruits mixed together to  create an overwhelming odor, not at all how you'd expect death to smell.  "This gas will cause you to hallucinate and see the death we have  thought out for you. It may happen at any time, by any living tribute or  even natural causes, but you can be sure that it will happen. To the  weak of mind, this might instill fear. To the strong, it will serve as a  warning. May the odds be ever in your favour.

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-You must observe this  hallucination and your death. As Fillius stated, it may happen at any  time, and by any means – I'm leaving that up to you. The main focus of  this task (other than writing, obviously) is how well you match the  death to your character. Is it realistic? Take in your tribute's  personality and physical ability, and devise what you think would best  fit.

-Due to the mental emphasis of this task, you may not kill anybody in this task. Send in two ballot deaths with your entry.

-Due Saturday, August 10th at 8 PM EST.

-Word Limit: 1500

-Six will be up for votes. Four will die.

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Arena Two: Man in the Mirror

You wake up on the floor, eyelids fluttering with drowsiness. The faces of the dead project above you.

Cargo Saven, Josie Valetti, Unicorn Kenneth Charbon Asche Cinere Infernus

The mirrors are smashed  and bent completely out of place. To your surprise the holograph  flickers away. No message from Audax. You walk around aimlessly, keeping  an eye on the mirrors to watch for danger. Thats when something catches  your eye. Your reflection isnt wearing what you're wearing. They have a  sash around them and are sitting in front of a table of food. They are  you in the future, you as the victor.

The unusual reflection looks quizzically at you, "Have we met?"



Simply talk to yourself. What would you ask the future you? How have you changed from now to then.

The capitol has made  these images by loads of personality deciphering and work. They predict  what is most likely to happen if you become the Victor; but it isn't  certain.

Due to the mental emphasis of this task, you may not kill anybody in this task. Send in two ballot deaths with your entry.

Word Limit: 1500

Due Saturday, August 10th at 8 PM EST.

Six will be up for votes, four will die.

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