Chapter 41

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I felt on the verge of falling apart.

None of the other rooms were to Han Zichuan's satisfaction, so now he was using mine. I lingered for awhile in the courtyard before shrugging my shoulders, ignoring the resentful stares behind my back from his men as I headed to the main hall.

The door closed, and the air in the room turned icy.

All the residents of the household were already awaiting me inside as I gave them an embarrassed smile. Little Sixth suddenly rose to his feet, blowing away the heat from cup of tea before handing it to me. He even earnestly raised his sleeve to wipe away the cold sweat that had broken out across my forehead. Yet the more he rubbed, the more my throat felt blocked up.

This is what was called a guilty conscience.

First was in a chair at the head, holding the lid of his teacup as he sat deep in thought, in no rush to try his drink. Fifth sat the furthest away on the side, slumping in his chair as he hugged the broken flute. His eyes seemed filled with icy resentment before they swept my way.

"Master, are you cold?"

"No, not cold."

"Then is it too hot? Look at how much you're sweating..." the Poison Prince sprawled casually over a chair, waving his garish purple sleeves. "Let's fan our Master more, it'd be best if the wind whipped her to death."

Did I provoke you or something? Offend you somehow?

Fourth was busy with something on the side, brushing the mole by his eye with a secret smile as he narrowed his eyes to glance over. He picked up a piece of paper that had been held together with plaster and handed it to First. That was so familiar. Wasn't it the same one that Han Zichuan tore in half?

The game was up.

First put aside his tea and swept his gaze over the painting in his hands. Second couldn't keep still, but stuck his hands in his sleeves as he stood behind him, speaking softly. "The mole looks like Little Fourth's, the eyes like Little Fifth's. The figure and bearing are even more enchanting than you, the eldest, while the expression is a bit like Little Third's. Who exactly is in this picture?"

This painting had been splashed with wine into a spotty mess, but they could still distinguish these impressive. I kept my head lowered and continued to pretend I was deaf. First slowly lowered the paper to the table. His movements were gentle, but the entire table had started to shudder...

"Who was it that came tonight?" his voice was cool and crystal clear.

I grew a little braver as I rose to meet his eyes. "'re the one who received the guest, you don't know who he is?"

"Don't get smart with me. He was looking for you, not me, and I couldn't ask him much under the circumstances." you're asking me instead.

As soon as he glared, I grew weak and bowed my head, adjusting a corner of my robes in an unnatural fashion. My answer came out like a mosquito speaking. "A personal enemy."

"How big of a grudge do you have with him? As soon as the two of you met, there was holding and hugging." I felt a chill as his hand slammed the table, freeing a layer of dust. A small section of the wood chipped and fell off. "You never told me your personal enemy was the current reigning emperor." He was so angry, his whole body was trembling.

"Well, you never asked. Not to mention, this isn't something all that great," I shrugged my shoulders, picking up the fallen piece of wood and blowing on it a few times before pressing it back onto the table. From a distance it almost whole as it was before. "You should know life will be harder now under the emperor's eye. Economize where you can, and don't break things as you please when you're in a temper."

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