Chapter 21: Pornography Book Crisis

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The waterlogged book had its pages all stuck together. It was almost too tragic to look at.


I wanted to snatch it away with my hands.

He gave me an indifferent look, neither warm nor imposing, but enough to make me tremble in place. This was how he stood before me, slender fingers flipping page past page as he remained expressionless.

Although the book had been soaked with water, letting some of its ink run, the figures and positions, as well as the actions going underway, were still easy to see. No matter how good his temper was, these clandestine-type pictures would still infuriate him, right?

I bowed my head, docilely staring at the ground in a daze.

From a distance, Han Zichuan walked over with the qin in his arms, his face looking at us in curiosity. Now he had stopped in place, his hesitation obvious.

The dripping book had already made Fang Hua's clothing wet to the point that they were starting to sag. The drops of water made a pitter patter sound the moment they splashed onto the ground.

My heart suddenly felt heavy.

"You...what did you buy?" he looked at me, speaking in a measured tone and pace. The hands holding the book also lowered themselves.

"Shao'er won't dare to in the future," I answered meekly.

He sucked in a deep breath, pinching the book between his fingers as he took as step forwards. The cloth rippled like swaying forms of liquid clouds, and was really quite pretty to see, but today the sight frightened me.

I trembled and quickly backed away, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards his chest, resting his head by my neck with a smile. With every breath he took, I felt unbelievably ticklish.

"...thank you very much."


What did he say?

He suddenly thanked weird.

Before I could react, yifu let me go, pinching the book between his fingers as he spoke to Han Zichuan. The words made me want to spit blood. "Look at what Shao'er brought me," his eyebrows raised in satisfaction, even picking one of the most 'stimulating' pictures to wave below the other's face. "See this? Acupuncture diagrams of humans."

At this point, I felt like killing myself.

Are you serious...

"Is that so." Han Zichuan's reply was obviously meant for me. He took ahold of the sopping wet paper before shooting me a glance, looking calm and composed. Only his eyes were full of condemnation, demanding a serious self-reflection. It was getting harder to maintain my smile with my face turning stiffer.

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