4 (The Fellowship of the Ring)

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At the start of their journey, Shima begin to have nightmares about Alduin and Mercer Frey again, they were just minor until one night it was the worst she ever had. Shima woke up gasping for air; Gandalf was at her side the moment he saw her struggling to breathe. "Shima, hear my voice, slow your breathing," Gandalf gently ordered, Shima took shuddering breaths before finally calming down from her nightmare.

Rubbing her eyes, Shima slowly sat up from laying on her bed roll as Gandalf sat across from Shima, waiting patiently for her tell him what happened. "It was just a nightmare, well more like bad memories," Shima told, having a feeling that Gandalf would question her in the morning about why she was panicking in her sleep.

"What are memories about?" Gandalf gently asked as he handed Shima a waterskin, Shima nod her head in thanks; taking a small sip from the waterskin.

"They were about me almost dying in Helgen from being executed, facing Alduin in Sovngarde and defeating Alduin, and me being left in a crypt to die by the former Guild Master, Mercer Frey before I killed him," Shima answered, handing the waterskin back to Gandalf.

"Please, try to get some rest, we have a long journey a head of us," Gandalf advised, giving her a smile before leaving Shima to her thoughts. Lying back down, she closed her eyes as she hears the gently sounds of nature, lulling her to sleep.

During the rest of their journey, Gandalf and Shima have swapped stories of their adventures as they sat in a carriage filled with all kinds of fireworks. Shima learned that Gandalf's business in the Shire is to visit a very old friend named Bilbo Baggins. She wondered if she arrived here earlier, maybe just maybe she could have saved the line of Durin. But there is nothing she can do about now as must focus on the task at hand. Shima and Gandalf arrived near the borders of the Shire, Shima made sure that she was wearing her nightingale mask when they crossed the Shire's boarders as Gandalf started humming a song.

"You're late," a voice spoke as Gandalf pulled on the reins halting the horse.

"A wizard is never late, Fordo Baggins," Gandalf told the hobbit that stopped them from their destination, "Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to."

Shima stared at Frodo and Gandalf who were trying to keep a straight face before laughing together, "It's wonderful to see you, Gandalf!" Frodo exclaimed, jumping into the cart and hugging the old wizard as Shima was glad she was sitting in the back with the fireworks.

"You didn't think I'd miss your Uncle Bilbo's birthday?" Gandalf questioned, until he decided to introduce Frodo to Shima, "Frodo, I like you to meet Shima."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Frodo. Gandalf has told me stories of your uncle and his adventures," Shima greeted from sitting with the fireworks.

"It is very nice to meet you Shima, but do mind if I ask why you are wearing a mask?" Frodo asked, curious about this unknown stranger.

"There is no harm in asking.....*Sigh* I'm hiding my identity until the time is right, and if I revealed myself now, people will be frightened by my appearance," Shima answered.

"Why would people be frightened of you?" Frodo questioned.

Shima turned to Gandalf for some guidance as he gave a nod of encouragement, "I'm not from this world, Frodo, I'm from a place called Skyrim and I am the one thing people hate," Shima explained, Frodo was trying to figure out what she is until Gandalf spilled her secret.

"She is an orc, Frodo, but she means no one any harm as she was brought here from her world to protect Middle Earth," Gandalf added as Shima gave the old wizard a glare wanting to leave out that she was an orc till a later date.

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