When the show started, I've heard the introduction about me and waiting for the cue to enter the set. Still, Quinn is not here. The host call my name and I enter the set and greeted the host. I sat down on a couch while the host is on the other side.

"How are you, Ares?"

"I'm good and blessed." I answered with a sweet smile just to show that I am well enough.

"That's good to hear."

Then, the conversation started about my beginnings, from where I started my career as a model then became a popular idol or singer. The host also mentioned about my family and I really put some sugar on my stories even though that it's not in reality.

"Do you have any projects for this year?" The host asked.

"Yeah... my management is planning to have a new album but we're still on a search for a songwriter." I answered.

"Did you stop making an original songs just like your previous album?"

"Not really. I just need some help for this album as my schedule is full for this year. I can't totally focus on one thing while I have some obligations too with the other." I answered.

The interview sailed smoothly and there's no tension around until my mood shifted when I saw Quinn entered the studio together with Mr. Carter. They're smiling and laughing while talking something.

"Ares? Are you okay?"

"Yes... yes!"

"I asked you if you have some upcoming dramas this year."

"I'm not yet certain about it because my management didn't tell me anything yet if I have a series to make." I answered while looking at those lovey-dovey feels in the corner.

My temper is about to lose but I tried to hold it. I'm on a set and this is live. That's all what I think right now just to finish this talk-show with no sour scenes.

I really can't take my eyes off from those two. They're so happy and comfortable. I may think that they had a past before I met Quinn.

The talk-show still continues and I go along with the host even my mood was on fire. I laughed even there's no joke, I became talkative, and even doing some silly things in the set which the crew and the host enjoyed it.

It was just a fifteen minute talk-show with ni commercials, and when the show was about to end, there's a spark that suddenly happened. I was surprised and the host screamed then a big fire appeared in the set. The host and I were trapped when the fire encircled us, trapping us inside. Everyone got panic and they called some firefighters.

I wanted to escape from this ring of fire but when I tend to escape, the fire became big and won't allow me to get through.

"Ares, use your blazer and put off the fire." Quinn suggested.

I didn't know that he's near the fire and wasn't bothered at all.

"Are you insane? This blazer is expensive and I bought this in France."

"You stupid! Which is important, your life or that blazer which you can buy another one?" He shouted.

I took off my blazer and trying to put the fire off but the more I swing it, the fire enlarges. The host was screaming and afraid. She don't know what to do while the fire is going to kill us.

"Wait. I'll find another way." Quinn said and he ran out from the studio.

Most of the crew were trying to put off the fire using the fire extinguisher but it didn't work. This fire isn't an ordinary fire. Someone cast this fire to kill me.

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