Chapter Five: The Forest and Its Beauty

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Ayano's P.O.V

"Huh? Who's awake at this hour?" I said, rubbing my left eye, tired.

I took a look outside to see...

"T-Toshino Kyoko?!" I yelled, fully awake. "W-why is she swimming in the forest pool so early? N-no matter, since now's my chance to get closer to her!" I said to myself, quietly.

I put on my swimsuit as fast as I could to go to Toshino Kyoko.

"Hello, Toshino Kyoko!" I said with confidence.

"Yahooooo!" Sakurako yelled out happily.

"Hi Ayano! Why are you up so early?" Kyoko asked.

"N-no reason!" I blurted out.

Kyoko and Sakurako looked at me in confusion.

"Well, it looks like you're all dressed up for swimming! Come on in!" Kyoko said, waving at me.

"O-okay!" I said, blushing.

I jumped in the forest pool and made a big splash.

"Whaa! Nice, Ayano!" Kyoko said with a thumbs up. "Now... There!" Kyoko threw water at me.

"W-w-w-wait, Toshino Kyoko! I'm still t-trying to g-get used to t-the c-cold water!" I said, shivering.

But that didn't stop Kyoko from splashing me with water so I got angry and splashed her back!

"Hahaha! Alright, it's on!" Kyoko said, excited.

"It is NOT on! I'm trying to make you to stop splashing water at me!" I said, bothered.

"Hehee, only if you stop!" Kyoko replied and smile.

I stopped splashing water at Kyoko. She did the same. At least, for a while. She started splashing me again.

"Ohh, Toshino Kyoko!!" I yelled. I swam away.

"I'm gonna get you, Ayano!" Kyoko said, chasing me in the water.

"Ahh, such nice friends..." Sakurako said, happy.

While being chased, I saw Funami-san outside, looking a bit nervous.

"Funami-san?" I thought. "Is she alright?"

"Baaah! Wake up! You spaced out!" Kyoko said, and splashed.

I yelped.

"Rrrg, Toshino Kyoko!" I said, angry, and started splashing Kyoko.

"It seemed like Yui went inside her tent again. I wonder what happened?" I thought.

"*yawns* You guys don't spend any time, huh?" Nana said. "Already making noise first thing in the morning."

"Nana! Jump in!" Sakurako said, happy.

"Nah, I'm good." Nana said.

"Awww, that's no fun!" Sakurako said, disappointed.

"Haha, I'll jump in later." Nana said.

Akari woke up as well. She seemed very sleepy.

"Akari woke up! Yay!" Kyoko yelled in joy.

"Hello..." Akari said.

"Come here, Akari! I wanna show you something!" Kyoko said.

Akari walked up to Kyoko. And then Kyoko splashed Akari.

"C-c-c-cold! Ohhh, Kyoko, I had a feeling you would do that!" Akari said, bothered. "I'm going to go brush my teeth."

"Alright!" Kyoko said.

Some time passed, and everyone was swimming in the forest pool, laughing and making noise.

After that, everyone grabbed their towels. It was a lot of fun being in the forest pool, but we still had more activities to do.

"Alright everyone, today we're going to explore more of this forest." Nana said.

"Okay!! Now it's the perfect time to wear my adventurer outfit!" Kyoko said as she took out a safari outfit and a lot of gear.

"Why did you bring all of that when we're in a forest?" Yui said, confused.

"Because a forest is like a jungle!" Kyoko happily yelled out.

"Huh?" Yui replied.

"A forest has bears, spiders, deers and all of that, while jungles have gorillas, monkeys, snakes, elephants and much more! There's a lot of similarities to be found!" Kyoko said.

"Sure..." Yui replied.

"Maybe I should stick with Toshino Kyoko..." I thought.

"Alright, let's go!" Akari yelled out happily.

Everyone yelled with excitement.

We started looking around and seeing the forest and its beauty. The sun's faint rays passed through the trees' leaves and illuminated the forest. Kyoko, the funny girl that she is, can't stop analyzing everything in the forest with her magnifying glass.

"Wow, this forest is really something, huh?!" Kyoko said.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." Yui replied.

"Oh! Look at that! An ant!" Kyoko said, taking a closer look at it with her magnifying glass.

Yui looked at the magnifying glass.

"Whoa, it looks ginourmous! Intimidating!" Kyoko said, astonished.

"And it's holding a leaf." Yui pointed out.

"Yeah, so cute!" Kyoko replied.

Another ant approached the one holding the leaf, and it started bumping it.

"They're fighting! Haha! It's like it's saying "Give me that leaf, or die!"" Kyoko said in a deep voice.

"You can have fun with anything, can you?" Yui said.

"Yup!" Kyoko said.

We kept walking and we saw a butterfly.

"Hey Kyoko, look." Yui said.

"Wow, it's so pretty!" Kyoko happily replied.

"Ahh, it really is! I'm going to take a picture of it!" Akari said and she took out her camera.

Sadly, the butterfly felt uncomfortable with the three girls around it and it flew away.

"Awww..." Akari said, disappointed.

"It's okay Akari, there are many more beautiful butterflies just like that one." Chitose said.

"Okay..." Akari said, sounding

A little while later, I started walking alongside Kyoko.

"So, Toshino Kyoko, are you enjoying this field trip so far?" I asked Toshino Kyoko.

"You bet! I'm really enjoying seeing animals living their life!" Kyoko said with a thumbs up.

"That's great." I said, happy. "Um, Toshino Kyoko..."

"Yeah, what is it?" Kyoko said.

"D-do you enjoy s-spending time with m-me?" I asked, blushing.

"Of course! You're funny, and kind, and an overall good friend!" Kyoko replied.

"F-friend... I'm glad." I said, a bit sad.

"Why do you ask? Is everything okay?" Kyoko asked, worried.

"W-why wouldn't it be? Everything is okay!" I blurted out.

"Alright, if you say so!" Kyoko replied.

"Friend..." I thought.

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