Chapter Four: Words Of Passion

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Yui's P.O.V

It was a good night. Birds were chirping, tree leaves were swaying, and water was flowing.

But I felt something. Like someone or somebody had woken up. I heard footsteps, but I decided not to investigate who left their tent.

A few minutes later, I heard someone talking from far away. Yeah, I somehow managed to hear someone talk from far away.

I decided to go out of my tent, with my panda onesie on, and see who was talking. It was coming from a bunch of bushes, so I silently moved the leaves to find...

Ayano Sugiura.

She was holding a tiny notepad.

"Um... T-Toshino Kyoko... I've been thinking lately... just how nice and fun you are... And I know I haven't been completely fair to you, but... w-what I feel is true! I'm in love with you, and I would love it if you could be my girlfriend!" Ayano said quietly. "Yes, that's perfect!"

"Huh? Ayano-chan is going to confess her feelings to Kyoko?" I said quietly. "I knew Ayano-chan was in love with her since it was obvious, but I never thought she would prepare to confess."

"Oh... why is it NOW the time that I realize that my feelings for her are real?" Ayano said, disappointed.

"Hmm... Maybe I should leave..." I said quietly while backing up.

But I stepped on a twig by accident.

"Eh?! Who's there?!" Ayano said, quietly.

"Ah, crap!" I said, quietly.

"Funami-san? W-what are you doing here?" Ayano said, blushing.

"Well I woke up cause I heard someone talking so I followed the noise. Turns out it was just you." I said, walking to Ayano.

"I-I see." Ayano said, nervous. "How much did you hear?"

"Ah... N-not much..." I said, with a nervous look.

"Alright." Ayano said, relieved. "Hey, Funami-san... I have a question."

"What is it?" I said, expecting Ayano to bring up something about Kyoko.

"H-have you ever f-fallen in l-love?" Ayano asked, blushing.

"N-not really." I replied.

"Oh. Well... I have feelings for someone... but they're so lost in their own world that I feel like they don't have feelings for me. What should I do?" Ayano asked.

I started thinking of an answer.

"Talk to them about your feelings. Don't be afraid. Who knows? Maybe that person DOES like you back but they're not making it easy for you to see." I responded.

"And if they reject me?" Ayano asked.

"They won't. Trust me." I said, and smiled. "After all, this is Kyoko we're talking about." I thought.

"How do you know that?" Ayano asked, nervous.

"Hmm... I just know. You're a very nice girl, Ayano-chan, so don't worry about it." I said and smiled.

Ayano looked at me and smiled.

"Thanks, Funami-san. I'll confess to them, and no mangkor wat happens, I'll always be happy!" Ayano said with joy.

I giggled and tried to hold in my laughter.

"Mangkor... wat..." I said quietly with tiny giggles.

Oh yeah, I forgot to say that me and Ayano-chan were on a hill and there was sea in front of us.

"The water looks shiny, huh?" Ayano said.

"It sure does." I replied.

"We should go back to sleep." Ayano said.

I nodded. We got up from the log we were sitting on and returned to our tents. I lied down on the floor close to Kyoko and started thinking about what Ayano-chan said.

Kyoko then mumbled something while sleeping.

"Yui... stop that... It hurts..." Kyoko said.

"Heh... It seems like dream me is pulling Kyoko's ear." I thought and smiled.

I went to sleep.


The next day...

This time, I heard water and splashes. It woke me up and at this point, I was annoyed.

"Ohh what is it now?" I said.

I got up and left the tent to see what was up now. Kyoko was in the forest pool, wearing her swimsuit, and splashing water at the air since no one had woken up yet.

I walked up to Kyoko.

"Why are you up so early?" I asked, tired.

"I had a nightmare where you became a huge monster because you got angry at me, you grabbed me tight and it hurt, and then you popped me! So I woke up and decided to have some early fun!" Kyoko said.

"So the 'pulling Kyoko's ear' thing was false." I thought. "You haven't even brushed your teeth yet.

"I'll get to that later, but for now, get changed and get in here!" Kyoko said.

"No way." I said in a split second.

"Eeeeeeeeh? Why not? Kyoko said, with a sad look on her face.

"Because... you're doing all of those... weird things!" I said, flustered.

"And you like me doing them!" Kyoko said and laughed.

"You know I don't!" I yelled.

"What's all the ruckus...?" Sakurako asked, half asleep.

"Aaaah! Nothing! I was just scolding Kyoko because she woke me up!" I said, surprised.

"Ah! Kyoko's in the forest pool?! I want to join you!" Sakurako yelled and jumped in the pool with her pajamas on.

"There she goes..." I said.

I returned to my tent to change clothes. Trying to find my clothes, I moved Kyoko's purse a little and a picture fell out of it. I grabbed the picture.

The picture showed Kyoko and me smiling at the camera while hugging. It was from our last camping trip. We had so much fun.

I smiled and I placed the picture back inside Kyoko's purse.

"Good memories." I said.

Then another picture fell out. It wasn't the same one. I picked it up, and it showed Kyoko and me at the ComiMarket where Kyoko made me dress up as a Mirakurun character. But, the page was torn a bit. I remember Chitose taking the photo, and Ayano-chan was in it. But Ayano-chan was ripped off from the picture.

I started to feel creeped out.

Why did Kyoko rip off Ayano-chan from the picture?

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