Im In Love

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" noooo babe" Carol whined when you got out the bed.

" I have to pee babe" you chuckled.

" hurry and come back" Carol said cuddling with your pillow.

Carol was your roommate but you had a where in love with her. How could someone sleep with each other, have cute moments and expect not to catch feelings. You never said anything about it because you didn't know if Carol felt the same way and you were afraid to ask. Going to the bathroom doing your business you got back in bed and Carol cuddled right up to you again. Throwing her leg across you she kissed your neck.

" so what time are you going to that party?" She asked.

" umm I think Bucky will be here at 9 so I'll start getting ready at 8:30" you said.

" have fun but not too much fun" Carol said.

" why don't you come with me, you need to get out this room" you said rubbing her bare thigh.

"Yeah right. You don't want your friends talking about you walking in with me" Carol said.

" what? Why would you say that, you're my friend" you said.

" it's nothing Y/N I'm gonna catch up on my work" she said.


You: Hey are you ok?
You: Carol?
You:come on Carol what's wrong?
You: look I don't give a fuck what my friends think, you're my friend and you mean so much to me. I'm sorry that my friends bother you but just ignore them their stupid. I don't care what anybody thinks.... Carol please

Carol never replied back and you wasn't really feeling this party either so you headed back to your dorm room. Didn't want to walk back to the dorms since it was a long walk so you got a ride from one of the over night maintenance workers on his golf cart.

" thanks man" you said before getting off.

Walking up the stairs to your dorm room, you was going to have a long talk with Carol.

"Carol" you called out when you got in the house.

You went to her room but she wasn't in there.

" wow. She can go out but not to the party with me" you mumbled to yourself before heading to your room.

Walking inside your room you turned on your light and smiled when you seen Carol sleeping in your bed. You took off your shoes and pants before crawling in bed. Pulling her closer to you.

" you're back" Carol mumbled.

" yeah. I missed you" you said kissing her neck.

" I texted you about a thousand times and I thought you were ignoring me" you said.

Carol reached under the pillow she was laying on grabbing her phone to read your message. You stared at Carol while she read your messages. Not saying anything Carol put her phone down wrapping her arms around your neck.

" I love you" you said.

" what?"

Carol couldn't believe you just said that. But you were tired of hiding your true feelings. You wanted more with Carol.

" I love you" you said sitting up.

" it's ok if you don't feel the same way but I really do love you. I can't sit here a pretend that I don't want more with you when I actually do. I'll drop all my friends for you Carol. I just want you to actually be mines instead of my friend"

" I don't know Y/N. You're popular and I can't deal with everyone hating me because I'm dating you....... I'm good" Carol said.

"Wha- but we have sex and we act like a couple" you said.

" behind close doors, it's private and nobody knows. I'll see you in the morning" Carol said getting up leaving out of your room.

" wow"

You couldn't sleep for the rest of that night, you couldn't believe you got rejected by your crush.


" what the fuck are you doing with those flowers" your friend asked.

" it's for Carol" you said.

"Carollll!? Buckey said.

" yes..... she rejected me last night because of you guys"

" us? What did we do?" Sam asked.

" stop messing with her! You guys are bullies and it really does get to her and I don't like it because it's stopping her from being with me! And if you guys can't stop messing with her then fuck off" you said to your friends.

" woah Y/N calm down, it's not like that. We'll chill, we were only messing around" Sam said.

Waiting for Carol to walk out of her class you seen her walking with her best friend. Running up to her you held the flowers out to her.

" would you please give me a chance? Please..... I promise I'll be the best girlfriend ever, no one would come between us.... not even those fools over there" you said pointing over at your friends.

People was gathered around looking at you and Carol. Some of them couldn't believe you was actually asking Carol to be your girlfriend.

" I'll get on my knees and beg Carol. Please" you said.

" ok... I'll be your girlfriend" Carol said smirking at you.

" YES!!" You shouted giving her a hug.

Tilting Carol's head up you gave her a long passionate kiss.

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