Basketball Camp

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"Ok ladies listen up, Y/N and myself will be putting your bands on so you guys won't try to switch with someone else to be with a friend" Natasha said.

"That goes for you and Y/N right?" Erica asked.

"This camp is mainly for players not managers, we're just here to help out and make things easier so shut your mouth before I have you duck walking in front of everybody in practice tomorrow" You snapped.

"Damn that was hot" Carol mumbled.

"Don't be getting a boner out here" Valkyrie said to Carol

" don't worry I left my dick back home" Carol laughed.

You walked over to your girlfriend giving her a small smile. Carol watched as you put her wristband on.

"We can get out of these ya know" Carol said.

"Only if you pop it, but then you can't put it back on Because you broke the little plastic that hold it together. But you bet not try to take yours off" you Said playfully slapping her before pecking your lips.

You made your way to Erica next looking at the girl practically eye fucking her.

"Would you stop looking at me like that" You mumbled.

" I can't help myself. You're so damn beautiful baby and ever since I had a taste of that sweet pussy I just can't get enough of you" Erica said lowly.

You just walked away from Erica to finish up.

Once the bracelets were on they called everyone to the gym. They had everyone sitting in there for about an hour or so before the host of the camp came in.

"Can I get my managers down here please" the guy said.

"Who's Y/N?" He asked.

"Me" both You and another girl answers.

" ok Y/F/N and Y/L/N?. you look like a Y/L/N" the guy said pointing to You.

" yeah that's me" you said smiling.

" So I don't get confused I'm just gonna call you guys thing one and two. Shorty you got one" he said pointing at you.

" you guys don't get it easy, im going to be on your ass too" he said.

Once he was done talking to the managers he gave them each a list. They was to call out names, take those girls to their cabins.


"See that chick over there?" Valkyrie asked pointing to the girl with the blue hair across the room.

"Yeah? What about her?" Carol asked.

"She's trying to get Y/N's number. She's in my cabin and I heard her talking about it" She said.

"Yeah Y/N isn't stupid"carol said not even worrying about the fact of you talking to someone else.

"Apparently She is because she's dating you" Val said joking around.

You were out of breath as you was just running with the centers and it was hard to keep up with them since they were much taller than you. You went to sit down to catch your breath. Smiling when you seen Carol practicing on her 3 pointers . You went over to buy yourself a Gatorade before walking  over to her girlfriend.

"There goes my sexy point guard " You Said.

"If it isn't thing one" Carol smirked walking closer to You.

" do you want some?" You asked offering her some of your gatorade.

"Naw I'm ok, I have one. I fucking miss you"she  said wrapping her arms around You.

"Awe baby I miss you too" You Said kissing her lips.

"Hey! None of that shit here" Henry yelled.


Today they were having a little game, carol's team was up by 5 points. This girl on the other team kept pushing Carol and doing little shit to make her mad. She tried to ignore it but she just  snapped when she nudged her, knocking Carol to the floor. No coaches was in the gym but the managers and players.

"What's your Fucking problem!" Carol snapped getting off the floor jumping in the girl's face.

"Excuse me?" The girl said back.

"You heard me"

"You're a joke to me" the girl said laughing.

"Danvers!" You shouted.

"Hit the showers you're done for today. You too Matthew" you Said.

" What the fuck! She started it" the girl yelled back at You.

"Leave or you'll be running tomorrow"you threatened.

" you can't tell my player what to do?" Thing 2 Said.

" last time I check I'm head manager, she either get the fuck out or run her ass off tomorrow" you Said.

"You're a fucking bitch" she said.

"You better watch your fucking mouth when you're talking to my girlfriend" Carol said.

" I got this babe" You Said before leaving heading to the office.

"And by the way the both of you are bitches" Carol said leaving right behind You.

Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel imagines Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat