Mother's Day Special

Start from the beginning

Katana & Diablo- You and your daddy were out doing some shopping, when you ran into your uncle J

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Katana & Diablo- You and your daddy were out doing some shopping, when you ran into your uncle J. "Hey J. What brings you out here?" "I'm getting somethin' for Harley." "Don't tell you're going to steal a kid." "NO, but I might steal this one." He said as took you out of your stroller. "Ay!" "Hiya y/n. Did ya miss me?"  You babbled to him, which he always loves to hear from you.  "Well y/n and I are out looking for something to get Katana for Mother's day. Maybe you can help us out." "Well I always get the best for my girl and since you and Katana are Harley's friends and y/n is our niece/nephew. I'll help you out." He said.  After three hours later, you were hungry. "What's the matter with my favorite niece/nephew?" Your uncle J cooed. "She/he's hungry." "How about we go out. My treat, for it's not everyday I get to see this lil cutie pie/ handsome stud." He cooed at you.  

All of you went to one of the restaurants, your uncle owned for some lunch. "Thanks J. How much I owe you?" "Nothing. This is on me, but I'll take that babysitting gig." "You got it. How about this Friday?" "Friday it is."  After lunch you, your daddy and uncle J went back to do more shopping. "Dada!" You said getting his attention. "What is baby girl/boy?  "Da!" You said pointing at a stuffed dragon. "You wanna get mommy the dragon?" You clapped your hands. (Tike skip to Mother's day)

Your daddy got you out of your crib and placed you in the middle of the bed and told you wake mommy up. "Mama!" You said bouncing in the bed, making her chuckle.  "Well now. This is one of the best wake up calls that I've gotten so far." She cooed.  Your daddy came in with breakfast which your mommy shared with her two favorite people.  After breakfast, your daddy got the gifts and gave one of them to you. "Mama!" "Oh. Is for me? I wonder who it's from." She cooed as opened it.  "(Gasp) You got mommy a dragon?" Afraid that you didn't get the right gift for your mommy, you began to cry. "Oh no my beautiful baby. Mommy loves her dragon. Thank you." She said as she gave you kisses. 

Later that evening, your daddy made dinner  for you and your mommy, since every restaurant was booked

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Later that evening, your daddy made dinner  for you and your mommy, since every restaurant was booked. After dinner, you and your parents just cuddled on the couch and watched TV, before falling asleep in each others arms with you in the middle.

Killer Croc & Ivy- Your mommy was in Arkham, thanks to Batman. She didn't do nothing wrong, except protect you from some no good teen boys.  You were missing her badly, for you missed her cuddles and kisses, her flowers that she would leave on your nightstand.  It was a rainy night, you and rain storms don't mix very well especially when thunder and lightening are involved.  Big lightening flash and a loud thunder rumble, which scared you. "Shh... my little croc. Daddy's got ya and you'll see mama soon." He cooed as rocked you.  Harvey was going to be with you, while your daddy, Harley, and Joker were going to get your mommy. "Here Harvey. There're bottles on the top shelf in the fridge. Formula is in the cupboard along with extra bottles.  Diapers are on the changing table.  If y/n gets scared just sing this lullaby. Ivy wrote it." Your daddy said as he gave you one last kiss before heading out. Another rumble came through and you began to whimper. "Shh... y/n. It's okay. I'll protect you from the nasty storm." The "human" part of Harvey cooed while he rocked you.  

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