Chapter 2

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A/N: I will be introducing a character in this story who doesn't exist in real life. He is just a figment of my imagination. However I had to give a face to this character so I chose the image of Korn Khunatipapasiri who played the role of Tew in Sotus S the series. In this story his name will be Max.

Also, the image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Max's POV

I drove way past the speed limit in the busiest motorway of Bangkok but I was past caring. I only had one goal in mind: to get to the church where Amanda was getting married to that bastard Perth and to stop the wedding before they could say their final vows.

I ignored the angry honks of the other motorists as I snaked in and out of traffic, dangerously cutting in front of other motorists and changing lanes recklessly as I saw fit to get me fastest to my destination.

I found the exit in the motorway that would lead me to the avenue where the church was located. I zoomed past the other motorists, cutting into someone's lane and once more ignoring a loud honk and a loud yell of unmentionable curses.

I saw the entrance to the church and recklessly drove inside. As I did so I felt a loud thump against the side of the car but I absolutely had no time to stop and check what caused it.

I parked my car right across the doorway of the church ignoring the No Parking sign.

I rushed inside the church just in time to hear the pastor say, "If there is anyone present who objects to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace."

"Stop! Stop the wedding this very minute!" I cried out at the top of my lungs.

All faces turned to me. There was shocked silence at first. Then everybody gasped as Amanda started running down the aisle, holding up her bridal train so that she wouldn't trip on it.

The moment she reached me, I grabbed her hand.

"Hurry!" she cried as she looked back to see her father and uncles starting to run after us.

We both jumped into my car whose engine I had left running and before her relatives could reach us we sped away, our hearts thudding dangerously fast against our chests.

I narrowly missed a pedestrian as I turned from the entrance of the church into the speeding traffic of the main avenue.

"I thought you would never make it on time," Amanda said, still wide eyed and breathing fast as she clung to my arm. I had to remind her that I was still driving and not to give me any distractions from the traffic around us.

I kept on driving until we were at the outskirts of Bangkok.

We parked at a quiet rest stop which doubled as a public park. It was practically deserted except for an old janitor who was cleaning the grounds of some litter.

Amanda quickly turned to me.

"Did you bring my change of clothes?" she asked.

I reached out for a shopping bag from the back seat of the car and handed it to her. She grabbed it and quickly made her way to the deserted public rest room.

When she came out she was wearing a light blue sleeveless blouse and a pair of dark blue jeans.

When she came back inside the car I sped away once more, hoping once and for all that she would never see Perth Tanapon again for the rest of her life. I was going to make sure that she was going to spend the rest of her life with me.

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