Chapter Five - Thoughts I Want To Hold

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Chapter Five – Thoughts I Want To Hold

The cold fall night wind numb our cheeks it was like the city was a sleep for the very first time. Our eyes did not meet but I could feel her thoughts “Are you cold?” I asked it was the very first word that I was spoken since I told her I came to walk her home. She let out a light sigh I could barely hear her she spoke so low all I could see was her breath form in the night air. I stopped walking “What are you doing?” she asked me. I pulled off my North Face olive hooded softshell jacket and put in over her on  shoulders “Here this should keep you warm next time you should check the weather.” I smiled at her put my hands in my jeans pocket and continued walking forward I could no longer feel her by my side I turn around and she is was still standing behind me.

“Did I say something wrong Athena? Did I hurt your feelings? If I did I am truly sorry I won’t say stuff like that again.” I was worried I might had had something to get her upset with me that is the last thing I want. She rises her head up and wipes her face “ You could never say something to hear me; come on let’s go home.” She walks up faster towards me right by my side and we vanish in the night.

Every night since that day I’ve been walking her home not many words were exchanged between us I would pick her up after my night shifts at work, walk her all the way home, carry her bags to her doorway. We could have easily taken a cab it was only a five minute drive, but I wanted to spend more time with her to be able to speak to her even if we are just friends I wanted a piece of her and myself engraved in our minds.

“Thank you again for tonight. You really didn’t have to come to my work and take me home I’m a big girl you know,” she winked and said with a smile while unlocking her front door “ I don’t mind work isn’t so busy right now. Plus I would like to get to know my neighbors’ ” I smiled back at her we said our goodbyes. “Missed call from Jun-Jun I’ll call him when I settle in.” I slide the phone back into my pocket. I pulled out my keys and unlocked my door, took off my shoe and placed my messenger bag at the front of my door.

I warm up some leftover rice and yakizakana from this morning. I took a small bite of my food “Oh ouch that’s hot!” maybe I’ll wait until it cools down in the meantime I’ll give Jun-Jun a call. His phone begins to ring “Hey this is Kajou , Junichiro sorry I could not answer my phone at the moment please let a message and a contact number I will get back to you as soon as I can thank you.” Crap his voicemail really Jun-Jun “Hey buddy its me Hiroshi just give me a call when you can. Alright talk to you later!”

Typical Jun-Jun never answers his phone. I grab my plate of food and walk over to my computer deck. “Ahh let’s check these unread messages” I do a quick scroll threw my e-mails dating way back until a month ago “Katashi Hiroshi?” why is my father e-mailing me this so unlike him I have to give him a call. I dial my homeline and someone emeditally answered “Moshi-moshi Ohayo Gozaimasu” “Ah mama Ohayo Gozaimasu , Is papa there?” I asked really nervously “ I miss you my sweet ren flower are you okay? Are you eating okay? Have you gotten the food I sent?” she asked questions like bullets.

“Yes mama I’m doing really well I eat a full meal everyday. Listen mama I don’t have much let on my classing card I just need to speak to papa for a little I promise I will call again okay?” I asked, “ Yes yes papa is right here hold on.” She puts the phone on hold to grab my father. “Ren is that you?” he asked with his firm voice “Yes it is me papa Ohayo Gozaimasu!, I seen you e-mail is everything okay?” I said, “Yes my son I just wanted to know are you okay?” “I am doing very well have you guys received the money I sent for mama’s pills?  “We did she is grateful for them, now the reason I e-mailed you , your mothers birthday is coming up at the end of the mouth you need to come down back home. You have never missed one yet and you will not! Understood.” This was his way of caring no please or thank yous’ just right down to business. “Ah yes I know father I will be there promise. Is that all? “ Yes Ren.”

He hung up the phone talking to my father makes me feel like a child all over again I am a twenty one year old man that sill has fear for this father. I changed from my work clothes and got comfortable into a pair of plaid joe boxer pajamas pants. I pushed my couch and coffee table to the side. I gave myself a big stretch, flipped my body ninety degrees and began to do push ups upside down “1...2…3…4”  breath in and out Ren inhale and exhale. Why was he so adamant on me coming back to Japan? “77…78” “KNOCK KNOCK” I heard a predominantly firm knock at my condo door I flipped myself back over.

I glanced over on my clock on my wall “It is 2:00am who could this [possible be the landlord? “I walked over to my door I did not even bother to see who it was it on the other side of my door. I unlocked the door slipped off the chain lock and pulled it open. “Athena?” I was at a lost for words she was standing in front of my door dressed in hello kitty pajamas shorts, plain black and white baseball t-shirt and bright colored socks. She lifts her head up from looking at the floor “I’m scared could I stay with you tonight?” I have never seen such saddens placed on someone’s face especially someone so happy with life like Athena. Tears hindering her view of me “ Yes come in.” I put my arms around her and pulled her in “Come sit here” I rush over and warmed up my glass kettle and poured her a cup of organic green tea.

“Here Athena, Drink this nice and slow okay?” I said I quickly pushed everything back to where it was. “Sorry about the mess” I grabbed my plate from my computer desk and walked to my kitchen to wash it up. When I went back to check on her she was sleeping sound on my couch. She is so beautiful like this I didn’t want to move her. I grabbed two blankets from my linen closet I turned off all the lights except for the one in the bathroom just in case she needs it.  I took on of the blankets and placed one on top of her while I made a small bed on the floor for myself.

I did not want to leave her side I wanted to be there just in case she needed me. I didn’t say much to her that night even though I wanted to I was just scared I felt a little helpless I didn’t know what to do. Even from here I could smell her scent this time it was different she smelt like the crisp night breeze.

**AN** :

My heart goes out for Athena seems like shes going threw something hard no? , Ren is so much of a cutiepie coming to her side like that don't you think? Check out the side gif i added of ren working out can you say hella hot ;)

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