chapter 1

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(Heyo! if you need to correct my Italian or German, please do so!! i am not fluent in either language TwT)

"Dio cazzo dannazione..." Lovino huffed as he gripped the side of the rink walls to catch his breath, the Italian was a world renowned ice skater alongside his younger brother, the two where both constantly accompanied by a guard each. Lovino had been practicing his routine and had worn himself out from the several jumps and turns,

(Italian- "god fucking dammit...")

"hey, you!" he called to one of the body guards. the man turned and walked to the worn out Lovino,

"Yes Lovino?" he asked as he stood before the shorter, the man's name was Gilbert Belischmidt, he had been in charge of keeping Lovino safe, a fact witch the other had a strong hate for,

"I gotta get some water so you know the drill." he said plainly, even with the Italians' popularity and subtle amount of growing income from winning competitions, the brothers both felt a private rink for them to practice was overkill. Gilbert nodded at Lovino's sentence and stood by to be able to follow beside the other. Lovino rolled his eyes and put his blade covers on his skates  and grabbed his water bottle before walking with Gilbert to the water fountain.

"ugh.. questo bastardo mi segue in giro come un cucciolo smarrito, lo giuro..." he muttered under his breath as he filled his bottle and Gilbert stood to the side to keep an eye out for any ambitious fans.

(Italian- "this bastard follows me around like a lost puppy, i swear...")

a woman approached the two with a camera, she looked to be around twenty and was rather... odd with her overall appearance and stature.

"Bruder, vielleicht willst du auf Schreie hören, ich habe einen möglichen Vierer am hinteren Springbrunnen..." he told his younger brother through the earpiece, his brother was on the side of the building watching the younger of the two Italians, Feliciano Vargas.

(german- "brother, might want to listen for any yelling, i've got a possible four over by the rear fountain...")

Feliciano was practicing but he hadn't gotten tired. His body guard, Ludwig, watched him, almost in a trance at the elegancy and poise he had throughout the routine, his trance was broken by the sound of his older brother's mutter-ish german,

"Ja, ich werde." he replied to him as he stood up straight (WHICH HE ISN'T HA-) and glanced about the almost barren ice rink. as he looked back at Feliciano, the other was surrounded by women of varying ages, Ludwig walked over to monitor the situation.

(german- "yes, I will.")

meanwhile the woman by the older two just kind of stared at the two, almost in a stalker like fashion, only staring at Lovino and breathing sort of heavily,

"Ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Gilbert said calmly as he stood between Lovino and the woman, the woman seemed clearly miffed at that action and seemed to grip her camera tighter with one of her hands as she reached into her coat.

"Ludwig get over here now we have a level five." Gilbert said quietly into his ear piece, Ludwig immediately got Feliciano into a safe area away from any crowds and ran to the place where lovino and Gilbert where being cornered, 

"hey. bastardo, I'm still here!" lovino muttered as he hid behind Gilbert despise claiming to hate the german man with a passion.

"no shit, I'm trying to get Ludwig over---" he was cut off by the woman pulling a knife out and attempting to strike Gilbert along the cheek, he grabbed her wrist and pinned her tp the wall with her hands behind her as Ludwig stood there for a bit before sprinting to his brother and the woman,

"Bruder! are you alright?" he asked as he looked at his older sibling.

"Ja, Ja, I'm fine, get lovino to where ever you have Feliciano, I'll get the authorities to this one... its rare we have a five..." he told the other as he pressed the security call button on his mic. pack.

"Alright, and it really is r--" the woman pushed Gilbert back while his defense was down and sprinted to lovino and grabbed his wrist, pulling him close and placing the knife at his throat,

"he's mine~" she said in a sing-song tone as lovino tried hos best not to struggle in the wrong way.

"OI! you get you hands off of him!!" gilbert yelled as he pulled her wrist away from lovino's neck and held her back so lovino could escape her grasp. lovino stumbled forward as security arrived.

(A/N: i hope you like this first chapter!!!! sorry for the instagram people that it took so long to get out!!!!!!!!)

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