Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

NEVER HAD THERE been such thick, palpable tension as there was right now in Calum's living room. A pin drop could be heard in the heavy silence of the apartment, so could to pounding of hearts as Aspen and Calum stared at the woman who entered the living room, her dark eyes taking in the sight of the girl she'd thought she'd ran off years ago, as well as the little girl standing by Aspen's feet.

Joy took in a sharp breath, the incredulous, near outrage, clear in her eyes. "What in the he—"

"Luna," Aspen interrupted, looking down at her daughter who'd been eyeing Joy curiously before looking up at Aspen. "Why don't you go play in your room for a little, okay?"

Aspen was glad and lucky that her daughter was so obedient, with Luna merely nodding in agreement before running down the hall to where her room was, Duke following after her. Maybe the dog picked up on the tension in the room and wanted to be as far from it as possible. Aspen didn't blame him. And when her eyes met Joy's dark brown ones, she felt her chest tighten.

But not in fear or intimidation; this time, all she could feel was indignation and the willingness to not back down a second time. She wasn't the same, vulnerable twenty-one year old who let Joy Hood get in her head and get her to run away. She was a mother now, with a daughter to look after who looked up to her, and one of the many things Aspen planned on teaching Luna was to never take shit from anyone. And for the past number of years, Aspen had been living in consequence of a decision she cowardly made, giving into her fears and insecurities and stupidity that were also fueled by the woman she didn't want to see again.

Joy looked at her son, lips pursed and jaw tight as a look of disbelief took over her face. "You're spending your days with her now?"

Neither Aspen nor Calum liked how Joy was talking as though Aspen wasn't even in the room. Calum clenched his jaw. "Not that it's any of your business, but yes." He'd never talked to his mother that way, never shown her an ounce of disrespect, but how could he possibly respect her after what she did? How could he look at her the same way again?

Joy's gaze sharpened. "You're my son—of course it's my business." She took a step forward, the frown never leaving her face as she looked at Aspen. The way she looked at her up and down, as if she was sizing her up, had Aspen clenching her jaw. "It is definitely my business when my only son is getting mixed up once again with the woman who's already caused his life so much trouble."

Aspen couldn't help it when she said through gritted teeth, "Don't confuse me with yourself, Mrs. Hood."

The older woman's gaze shifted back to her, eyebrows raising as if she couldn't believe Aspen was speaking to her, the notion only confirmed when she scoffed out an, "Excuse me?"

Both her and Calum's eyes were on Aspen, but she made it a point to only look at Joy. She couldn't look at Calum, not when she was feeling such a raging fire boil in her blood, looking at the woman who put her in the most difficult positions of her life. Aspen couldn't hide behind the excuse that she was intimidated and vulnerable and dumb at the time everything was going down; she knew she should've been stronger, should've stayed. But she would forever be pissed and hurt at the fact that, as a mother, Joy practically encouraged, basically forced, her to go.

Now, as a mother, Aspen could not understand how Joy could've done that.

Aspen lifted her chin, taking a breath and not letting her nerves get the better of her. It was a good thing she was more angry than anxious. Joy Hood didn't make her nerves skyrocket, not anymore—she was just worried about the repercussions her words may have on her mending relationship with Calum. "I know I hurt Calum with what I did, I've apologized for it. But it doesn't even look like you're sorry for keeping your son's child out of his life."

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