Can I -- Hey!

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Hold up!
A/N: I'm sorry, who's talking now? This is my show!

This is Apollo! *Gasps* You don't recognize the god of sun? How outrageous! Anyways, why does she get to have a chapter to herself? Can't I, the all-powerful sun god, get my own chapter?
Well, I'm sorry she just decided to butt in!(All due respect)

Why are you saying that? I'm better, and you said so!
*Cringes* Okay, so what if I did? 

In your bio!
*Looks at bio* Fine. I don't want your father's/sister's? wrath. Okay?

*Whispers* Fine. But can I ask questions too?
Sure. Fire way.

*Clears throat* Hmm. *Skims Olympian comments* Okay what first... AH! Here!

1) Can you tell the Olympians WHO HARRY POTTER IS?
No...t really. I'll leave that to the readers. ;-)

2) Wh- what? Can you tell us ... *Continues skimming* spoilers?
What? NO! Would you give spoilers that you don't even know?????

Oh! And look at the time! *Sings* Then I said I gotta go! 

*Finishes line* Gotta be in Monticello! *Laughs, pauses then realizes what I said* WhAt???? WhAt Do YoU mEaN 'i GoTtA gO'????
Sorry, monsieur! Like I said, spoilers are spoilers and I try to refrain from giving them out. And I don't even know what lies ahead for our intrepid friends. And I'm the author!

Wh-- but-- !

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