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Fred's POV

"Fred! George! Breakfast!" Mum called.

I looked at my twin. "In a minute!" I hollered. 

"NOW George! Or Fred! Emergency family meeting!"

I glanced at my brother. "Shall we, George?" I asked. He grinned. "We shall, Fred." We Apparated downstairs onto the kitchen table, to Mum's dismay of course.

"Boys! How many times do I have to tell you not to Apparate inside the house?" Mum screeched, after she stifled a yelp.

Ron and Ginny were already sitting down. Ginny looked like she woke up with a rat in her hair. Ron looked about the same. "What the bloody hell are you staring at?" Ron growled.

"Now that we're all awake, I have some news for you two trouble makers." Mum said. 

We always seem to be getting news. Only rarely is it good. "There is a place you will be going for the summer, and it's a wonderful place!" Mum continued.

Ginny perked up. "It truly is wonderful! I've read all about it!"

"Ginny, let me tell them. Anyways, all this to say, you boys will be travelling to America for the summer."

"I'm sorry, Mum. Did you say they're going to America?" Ron wheezed. 

"Yes, I did. Now stop interrupting!" Mum scolded. 

I grinned. This should be fun. "Where to in America, dear Mum?"

"New York, on the coast of Long Island. There's a summer camp invisible to Muggles. It's built specially for half-bloods, as they call themselves."

"When are we leaving?" George asked.

She waved her hand dismissively, "Oh, tomorrow. The day after maybe."

You could see the disbelief on Ginny's face. "What? They're leaving tomorrow?"

George and I ignored her protests. We were just planning the pranks we were going to throw on our new mates.

*Two Days Later*

"George! Fred! Hurry up! You're going to be late!" Ginny yelled.

"Coming!" George yelled. We shoved loose clothing into our bags. Then we rushed downstairs to the living room. 

"You know what to do!" Mum said. Thankfully we get to use Floo powder. "Say the Big House, Camp Half-Blood, alright?"

"Yes, Mum." We said.

"Don't forget to write!"

"We know, Mum."

"I love you, boys!"

"Goodbye, Mum." 

I went first. "Big House, Camp Half-Blood!" 

Then George.

The first, erm, person? we saw, was a half-man on a horse's body.

"Hello, Fred, George! Welcome to Camp Half-Blood!"

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