Storm Break

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Shelby escorted Kavenay back to where his household had set up living quarters, stopping as the man walked the last few steps to the tent door. A storm had started violently and they were being lashed by relentless rains but still Kavenay delayed, turning to look at him. "You saw that, right? You heard me tell my men to stop. I had no control over them, they did not act under my orders. You saw that."

"I saw you yell something at your men after losing and then them immediately launching into an attack that violated the King's Peace, injured one of our guests and possibly damaged an already fragile truce that we survive on, here on this island." Shelby growled back, stepping up to the other man, fighting the urge to vent his anger physically, " are you really this much of a dimwit? Did you not see how easily you were beaten? How quickly your men were incapacitated? The fight was over before you could even get off your ass. It took your two best fighters and don't believe for a moment I didn't recognize them, together, to injure him and even then he beat them, on one foot."

"If they're so dangerous, why are we even trying to placate them? We should be preparing for war against them, against their Wild, not some mysterious outside invaders." Kavenay snarled, squinting through the streams of water running down his face. "Why did they choose you? What is so special about Lord Shelby, the King's kept dog, that they would want to speak with you. You're not even worth being part of the King's council."

Shelby let the insults slide off of him. He had heard them from this man before, when they both were younger and proving their mettle with the Crown Prince. They had attended the Royal schools together, training to lead troops in war, run estates and represent the Kingdom.

Instead of reacting to them, he shook his head and slicked his wet hair from his face. "Because they believe that we are worth living with. They have taken a chance, given us an opportunity to live up to what our ancestors promised them and what we forgot about. Look back into our histories, where was your family when this Kingdom was founded? Mine was right where I am now, forging peace with the race that can help protect our nation."

"So you think we should side with them?" Kavenay snorted before he jumped as lightening flashed through the sky, reaching out towards him and followed immediately by a roar of thunder, "that's your council to the King?"

Shelby pointed up to the sky, before pulling his hair back from his face once more. Both of them were soaked through with rain now and the storm wasn't letting up. "This is what happens when Veranandein is angry, Kavenay. She's been fighting this tournament without using power. And before you scoff at that, look at my sword, you see how its pommel is glowing? Hear it singing out in tune with the storm? I don't think she realizes it, but her blades and mine both react when she uses power. She's beaten every opponent, without magic... and she can do this. Would you bet against them?"

Kavenay paled, watching him, before jumping back from another bolt of lightening as it arced across the sky, dancing unnaturally overhead. But he didn't respond, just turned and stalked into his tent without another word.

Shelby sighed and turned, making his way back towards the arena grounds, catching up with Benchan part way there, listening to his sergeant at arms report on what he had missed. "The four still haven't come to, they were all hit pretty hard but the healers don't think they're seriously injured. They're in their cells, where they can rot until the King sits his justice." Benchan sounded as angry as he felt, though they both paused and glanced worriedly up at the sky as the thunder began to quiet. They let out a breath in unison as the storm suddenly petered out and began to fade away as unnaturally as it had started.

Shelby braced himself for the long evening ahead of him, wondering how much damage had been done in the past hour. "Where is everyone, Benchan?"

"King is back at the keep, they got there just before the storm hit. Which was convenient for posterity sake as it's less dramatic than cutting a tournament day short because of the attack. It could be written off as the weather, if need be, to reduce the rumours." Benchan murmured thoughtfully, raising a brow as Shelby motioned for him to continue. They both knew that Shelby didn't care about rumours at the moment. "The three of them went back to the tournament tent and the men have been guarding it, no one has tried to go in but a couple healers have offered to attempt to help. If help will be accepted."

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