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"Mikey come on they're letting Marky go." Becky tried to wiggle from his grasp but was unsuccessful.

"Five more minutes." Michael grumbled before Paige hit the back of his head. "What the fuck?!"

"Let's go you can sleep in the car." She stated before both women heard him grumble incoherently under his breath. He finally let go of the redhead allowing her to get up for the first time since he fell asleep. Slowly he rose rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Who's got Marky?" He asked Becky as her arm wound around his waist.

"Charlie has him until we get in the car." He nodded as his arm slipped around her shoulders. "Sleep well Bubs?" He nodded again never one to talk much when he was woken up abruptly. His nose nuzzled into her hair as three rode the unoccupied elevator. "I swear to god if you fall asleep on me I will leave you here."

"Shut up Bex." He said as they reached the parking garage entrance. As the doors opened they witnessed Charlotte bouncing a laughing Marcus while Bailey tickled him. "Well he's feeling better." He commented before she nodded.

"You missed his second word." His eyes went wide as he turned towards her. "I'm sure he'll say it again just wait."

"Just tell me." He whined before she shook her head.

"Would you just let him say it?" He rolled his eyes before they locked with Marcus'. A large smile grew on the infants face.

"Dada dada." Michael separated from Becky only to grab the infant from a protesting Charlotte. The look he gave her immediately shut her up. The women watched as Marcus cupped his fathers face and spoke. "Dadadadadadada."

"I gotta find me a him." Bailey commented before Ronda finally pulled up. "God it took you long enough." The blonde rolled her eyes as everyone got in the car.

"Thanks for thinking of the car seat Ronnie." Becky said earning a nod from her. The infant was strapped into the seat before Michael, Becky and Charlotte all squeezed into the back seat. "We should have gotten a taxi." The redhead said into his ear as she moved into his lap.

"Nah this is more fun." He commented as his arms wound around her. She started to laugh as she leaned into him. "Love you Bex." Her lips gently brushed his neck.

"Love you more Mikey." She said into his ear. "Ronnie there's a baby in the car!" Becky just about yelled as Ronda took a turn too fast causing her to hit the window. Michaels arms wrapped tightly around her holding her in place.

"Sorry Love." He said quietly before she shook her head and tucked it into the crook of his neck.

"Sorry Bex." Ronda said as their eyes met through the rear view mirror. The redhead nodded before the blonde began to drive careful of her surroundings.

"Why do we ever let Ronda drive?" Becky asked as she looked at the bruises that were now forming along her back. Michaels fingertips gently strayed along the purple marks.

"I'm sorry Bex." She shook her head before her lips met his cheek.

"Don't worry about it Love. It's not your fault or hers we should have taken a different car instead of squeezing into the back." Gently his arms wound around her before her face buried into his chest. As his lips met the top of her head she guided him back to the bed. Marcus had been put in his crib minutes before and was still sound asleep. "Can we sleep for a little?" He chuckled and nodded.

"After last night do you even need to ask?" It was almost instantly that she pushed him into the bed. She just about collapsed on top of him as his arms wound around her.

"I missed you Mikey." He gently pulled the covers over the both of them.

"I missed you too Love." It was almost on cue that Marcus started to cry. Michael groaned before slipping from the bed to grab the infant. Once nestled between his parents the ten month old was asleep. "So did he I guess." His lips gently met the top of her head as it tucked into his neck. "I love you Bex." She moved slightly before her lips connected with his.

"Love you more." It was nearly an hour later that they were woken up by Marcus' crying. "Where are the bottles and formula?"

"Outside pocket of my backpack." He said as he tried to calm down the infant. She slowly moved from the bed before she made the infant a bottle.

"He doesn't feel warm at all does he?" Michael shook his head as he scooted up the bed his back now resting against the headboard.

"Not at all Bex. He's probably just tired and hungry. He had a longer night than the both of us." By the time Becky finished warming the bottle up he had only gotten Marcus to slightly calm. She sunk down next to him before offering the infant the bottle. That's when they both saw new teeth starting to poke through his gums. "Hold him for a sec." She was slipped the baby before Michael dug through the bag and emerged with teething rings which he immediately threw into the freezer.

"It's going to be a long couple of days isn't it?" He nodded before she simply laughed. "Why did we want to be parents?" It was his turn to chuckle.

"We never really had a choice Bex.." As Marcus looked up at her she leaned to kiss the top of his head. "But we wouldn't trade him for the world."

"Not at all. You maybe. Him no." Michael scoffed.

"You'd be lost without me." She grabbed his shirt before pulling her back down next to him. As his arms wound around her she curled into him. Leaning against him he felt her entire body relax.

"Yes. Yes I would." His lips met the top of her head before his nose buried into her hair.

"I would be too love."

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