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"Thank god for Saraya." Becky said as her head buried into Michaels chest. His lips gently met the top of her head. The brunette had just agreed to watch Marcus for a few hours so the two could get some uninterrupted sleep. It was seconds before she was scooped up. "What are you doing?"

He was quiet as he moved towards the hotel room bed. Slowly he sunk down into the mattress his body resting half on hers. Her fingers threaded in his hair almost instantly.

"All I want to fucking do is sleep." He mumbled into her skin. Her lips gently met his forehead.

"Has he been this bad constantly?" He hesitated as he nodded knowing the guilt she would feel. "I'm so sorry Mikey." He shook his head.

"Don't be love. My job can be done at home. Yours can't and I respect that one thousand percent. Being able to see you in action had made everything worth it." As his eyes met hers a smile grew across her face.

"Why are you so perfect?" He laughed lightly.

"I'm far from it." She shook her head before her lips connected with his.

"To me you are so shut it." His breath ghosted along her skin as he laughed. "We're not going to sleep are we."

"I'm like not tired at all anymore. I'm just enjoying what little time I get with you." She sighed quietly.

"I'm sorry I'm away so much." He pulled away slightly as he moved so his head was next to hers. As their eyes met he spoke softly.

"Stop Bex you know I don't care. We're both with you now that's all that matters." She nodded as her body turned moving his with hers. His arms gently wound around her as her head tucked into his neck. "You know what I really missed though?"

"Pizza and movies?" She could just about hear his stomach growl through his chest.

"More like your pregnancy cravings and movies." With the pair being secluded in their house for months he had gone out to get every single thing she had craved throughout the duration of her pregnancy. "You know what the fucking best was though?" She raised an eyebrow before it hit her.

"Fuck the day we ordered everything off of in 'n outs menu." He shook his head.

"The day we ordered off Cheesecake Factory's menu." She just about shot up. "Sit your ass back down. We're getting it delivered I'm not leaving this fucking room. The hotel works with a delivery service." She moved into his lap as her hands cupped her face.

"How do you know about this?" He laughed as he pointed to the sign next to the bed. "See this is why I love you." His lips connected with hers. She broke away when they heard knocking on the door.

"What's up Char?" Michael asked once he opened the door. It was then that he saw Paige behind her. "Saraya?"

"We heard you both talking about food." He rolled his eyes before the two were let into the room.

"You could have ordered it from your room." He whined before both girls began to laugh.

"But then we don't have as many options." Charlotte sassed back as he groaned and sunk into the bed next to Becky. As the redhead grabbed the menu she sat it in front of them as Paige gently bounced Marcus.

"I'll take him if you don't want him." The darker haired woman shook her head.

"Oh shut up. I'm going to be his favorite aunt by the end of this." Michael laughed lightly as his eyes scanned the menu.

"Shut it you know I'm already his favorite aunt." Charlotte butt in.

"Fuck off." It was then that Becky swooped Marcus from Paige's arms.

"Language." She stated as she leaned into Michael. As his lips met the top of her head the girls began to talk about what they were getting.

"My god they're going to hate us." He said into the Lass Kickers ear. A laugh escaped her lips as his brushed along her shoulder. "I seriously think I only want cheesecake." She shook her head.

"That's not all you're getting." He groaned before Charlotte began to write down what everyone was getting. Becky ordered for the both of them before they got an array of cheesecakes.

"Can I have him?" Becky could tell that Michael had been missing all the time he normally had with Marcus and it was affecting them both. The infant was carefully given to his father before she could feel him instantly relax. His free arm slipped around the redhead as he relaxed into the headboard behind them.

"Mikey you look like you haven't slept in months." Paige commented as he rolled his eyes.

"I'm a dad it happens." He said before all three girls could tell something was up. They left it alone for a moment as Charlotte called and ordered the food. When she was done they all turned back towards him.

"No Mike you look like absolute shit. I mean have you honestly even slept a full night?" He immediately shut down.

"I have." His tone was changing. All three girls knew he was trying to do everything he could to avoid this conversation.

"Michael." Becky pushed shutting him down even more. His eyes were trained on Marcus basically ignore the three women in the room. "You need to talk to us Mikey." His head shook once. It was then that Becky gently grasped his chin before his head was tilted up. That's when they all saw the tears in his eyes.

"None of yous understand." He said as he pulled away from the redhead. Her arm slipped around his back holding him in place.

"Let it out Mikey." Paige commented before he shook his head.

"Please Love." He sighed at Becky's words.

"None of yous understand to feeling of walking into a room where your son is laying lifeless because you forced him to lay in the cradle because you wanted to sleep. So just please leave me alone." Her arms gently wound around him. "Y-you just don't understand the guilt I feel every time I try to sleep. I just can't let it happen again." She gently squeezed his side. "I'm so sorry." Her face buried into him as she felt a tear hit the top of her head. It was seconds later that the pair felt the other two squeeze them in a hug. Becky spoke after nearly five minutes.

"We understand love."

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