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Becky walked through the door to things crashing. She quietly watched as Michael struggled to walk with his crutch. It had been nearly a month since he had been released from the hospital and he still hadn't regained full use of his left leg. As the useless item was thrown across the room she slipped beneath his arm keeping him from falling.

"I don't need your help." He grumbled before she basically carried him to the couch. As he sunk into the cushions his head fell into his hand. She had been away for most of his recovery and it had been hard on the both of them. Slowly her hand ran along his spine as her lips met his shoulder blade.

"What's going on Mikey?" She asked softly as her arms wound around him. A frustrated sigh slipped from his lips.

"No matter what I do or what they want me to try I still can't fucking walk." She could hear the defeat in his voice. As they sat there in silence Becky knew exactly what he needed. A text was sent out to Paige asking, well, basically begging the brunette to figure out some way to help Michael. Begging her to repay the favor he had done for her when she got injured.

"Get up." Paige said the second she walked through the door nearly an hour later. When he didn't move she dragged him onto his feet causing him to teeter slightly. "Let's go for a walk Mikey." She was under his left arm in seconds gently holding him up.

Becky knew better than to follow the two as they walked out of the house. She could get Michael to talk but only Paige could truly talk sense into him.

"Talk to me Mickey. What's going on?" He sighed as they slowly walked down the street. She could tell he was struggling but she knew the more he walked the better it was for him.

"It's just makes no fucking sense Saraya. I've followed everything they've told me to do and I still can't get my fucking leg to work. I can't even go and get my son when he's crying. You don't understand how hard that is." As her arm moved around his waist she gently squeezed him.

"I get it Mikey. But you can't give up. Even though it's hard and you think it's not working you can't stop." He sighed as he nodded. "Remember what you said to me a few years ago?" As she looked up at him she got no response. "You said not matter what you would be here. You would help me train and come back stronger. Well not it's my turn Mikey. Let me help you. Let Bex and I help you." The last thing he wanted to do was burden the two. As he sighed she interrupted his words. "You know you have no choice right." He couldn't even fight it because he had used those exact same words with her.

"You know I hate you sometimes." She chuckled as she hugged him lightly.

"Sure you do." It was then that the two turned back towards the house. "Feel good to walk?" He nodded. "You haven't been going to PT have you?"

"It ended last week. I'm just supposed to keep doing what I was taught..." She shook her head at his words.

"Well that's fucked up." He chuckled as he nodded. "At least you've got Bex. She knows all that shit. You're lucky you know that right."

"I know. I'm lucky to have both of you. You know your shit too." He gently squeezed her shoulders as she felt him put more weight on his leg and less on her.

By the time they got back to the house he was barely using the brunette for support. If there was one thing Paige knew is that Michael lacked a lot of confidence in himself. It was rare that he truly ever believed in himself and when he injured his leg she could tell he didn't believe that he would regain function.

As they made their way through the door Becky caught him as he tripped over the step.

"I hate that fucking step." He mumbled earning a laugh from her.

"You two talk. I'm going to go get Marky." The two nodded at Paige's words before his arms wound around the redhead. Once the brunette was gone her arms wound around his neck.

"I need your help Bex." He admitted to her for the first time. Her lips gently met his temple.

"Whatever you need Love, I've got you." His lips met her cheek before gently brushing along her jawline. "She talk some sense into you?" Though he normally wouldn't admit it Michael nodded. "Good. Now she just needs to teach me how." He shook his head.

"I have her for that Love. Just like you have Char. I need you for way more Bex. That's why I love you so much and why I want to marry you. I can't live without you Bex." Her arms squeezed him as his lips met her neck.

"I love you more Mikey. Trust me." He chuckled lightly before they pulled away as Paige walked back in. She had the infant laughing as she was tickling him. "You know Marky we need to have a talk." Becky said as she moved closer to the infant and joined the brunette in tickling Marcus. It was then that the two women exchanged a glance as they saw Michael take a few steps forwards without help.

The infant was grabbed by his father before he slowly moved over to the couch. It was then that Paige was smashed into a hug.

"I don't know what you did or what you said but thank you Saraya." She shook her head.

"Don't thank me just yet Love. He's still not one hundred percent yet." It was when Becky shook her head that Michael hollered.

"Would you two stop talking about me? I know I'm perfect."

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