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Michael had been off the rest of the day. Becky however wasn't the only one to notice. The two women left the room wanting to give the pair some time to talk.

"Mikey why are you blaming yourself? It was a freak accident there's nothing you could have done to prevent it." Her hand gently ran along his back as he leaned against Marcus' cradle. He stayed silent for the longest time before she broke the silence. "Marky tell your daddy to talk to me like he used to." Michaels head dropped into his awaiting hands.

"What if I'm just not fit for this?" He sounded utterly defeated. Slowly Becky's arms wrapped around his waist as her chin moved to rest along his shoulder.

"Mikey why would you ever think that? You two were perfectly fine for two months while I was gone. Nothing happened and he's fine. Don't you ever sell yourself short love. You are an amazing father." He sighed as her lips met his shoulder. "Why would you think anything else?"

"I just feel like I'm not doing enough because I have zero energy. I just feel like I'm not giving this my all." Her lips met his shoulder once more.

"Love you realize I feel the exact same way. It's just what they do. He loves you no matter what. You're here giving him all you have despite how tired you are. Mikey you know that he will turn out perfect no matter what." He nodded as he finally turned. When his arms slipped around her her face lightly buried into his chest. "Please stop selling yourself short." He nodded before he was backed up to the bed. He was pushed to sit on the edge before his hands slipped beneath her shirt at her lower back.

"I love you Bex." He said softly. Her eyes met his as her fingers threaded in his hair.

"I love you more." She was pulled into him before his head moved to rest along her stomach. "Go get comfortable I'm going to grab Marky and we're going to sleep. Well you are at least." He nodded as his shirt was slipped off. As Michael slipped beneath the covers Becky swooped the infant up carefully before she crawled in next to him.

She gently pressed against him as Marcus was placed on top of his father. The infant cuddled into him while she moved the blanket over the three of them. Michaels hand moved to rest atop the baby, slowly he felt her fingers move into his hair. Becky moved slightly higher as she leaned on her elbow. Her fingers were straying across his features his eyes shutting instantly.

As her hand slipped from his dirty blonde locks his head buried into her skin. He carefully turned keeping Marcus nestled between their bodies. Her lips brushed along the jagged scar on his forehead. Her eyes flicked between the two males next to her until they fell upon Michaels face. He looked even more tired than usual. It looked to her like he hadn't slept since before she left. As his face scrunched her fingertips ran along his cheek. His sleep filled body tensed before her lips moved along his ear.

"It's alright Mikey I'm here." As his head nuzzled even more into her a slow sigh came from both of her boys. They were the exact same person Marcus just looked more like his mother than father. Though the one thing she had wished was the the infant had gotten his fathers eyes.

Michael however thought differently

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Michael however thought differently. He loved the fact that Marcus was basically a replica of Becky. He couldn't help but to simply stare at the infant when she was gone.

As her fingers strayed along the older mans cheek her lips brushed along his skin. There was nothing like being with the two of them. It was one of the things she truly missed when she was gone. She could feel his cold hand slip beneath her shirt before his featherlike touch moved along her lower back. Her legs intertwined with his, her hand joining his atop Marcus. The infant turned before his body nuzzled into hers a common occurrence when the two boys were with her. Her hand gently caressed his head drawing a sigh from his small body.

"I love you both." She said softly before she felt Michaels lips graze her neck.

"I love you more Red." Her lips met his temple.

"Never Love. Never." He shook his head. But they both knew he wouldn't fight her. "Why aren't you asleep?"

"Why aren't you?" Her lips met his skin.

"Because I'm enjoying the view of my two boys in front of me." His head tucked even more into her neck. Her fingers threaded in his hair as a sigh was released from him. "Don't forget Marky's between us." He lightly laughed.

"I would never Love." He said quietly. She could hear sleep slurring his words.

"I know I was just reminding you." He nodded before his head moved and his lips captured hers. Her hand slipped from his hair to cup his cheek. His teeth grazed along her lower lip before he was allowed access to her mouth. It was nearly ten minutes before they pulled away. His eyes closed just about instantly. "Go to sleep Mikey." His head tucked back into her neck. He fell asleep with words slipping from his mouth.

"I love you more than you could ever imagine."

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