"Soft," Harry teases. Louis pouts.

"Don't act like you don't adore it," Louis teases back. Harry just shrugs bashfully. He's so cute, Louis could cry over it. He probably has before.

"I miss Sophie," Harry mentions.

"I always miss Sophie," Louis pouts again. "How did two dorks like us ever make a kid that cool?"

"Speak for yourself, mate," Harry makes a face, and Louis can't help but giggle. Fucking giggle. The things this boy does to him, good lord.

"Suppose she gets it from you, then?" Louis questions with a fond smile. Harry pretends to think about it before nodding and eating his spaghetti, and Louis laughs. "Right, got it."

"Maybe a little from you," Harry shrugs. "The part of her that's asking for a skateboard for her birthday."

"Are we getting her one?" Louis asks.

"Of course we are," Harry grins adoringly. "I found these little ones with handlebars. I think that'll satisfy her until she's a bit older."

"Aw," Louis beams. "She's adorable, can't believe we made her."

"Right?" Harry giggles. "And we've got another one."

"He's going to be so cool!" Louis gets excited just thinking about it. "And Soph is going to be such a good big sister." Louis sighs dreamily, a smile on his face. "I already want more."

"How many more?" Harry asks cautiously. Louis blushes, looking down at his food.

"I don't know, actually," He says. "Maybe it's just because I grew up with a lot of siblings, but I've always imagined having a big family."

Harry nods slowly, a thoughtful look on his face. "I want five," He mentions. Louis smiles surprisedly.

"Five?!" He asks. "I wasn't expecting that."

"I want twins somewhere in there too," Harry mentions. "Just to make it easier."

"I'll try my best for you," Louis says, and Harry laughs.

"It's pretty," Harry says, Louis' hand entwined in his. They left their shoes in the car, sand on their toes as they walk along the beach.

"Thought you'd like it," Louis smiles. "'S this romantic enough for you?"

Harry pretends to think, and Louis' smile widens. "Yeah, I suppose," Harry nods. Louis stops walking to squat down and roll Harry's trousers up so the ocean doesn't get them wet. He does the same with his own before standing back up, walking Harry to the water. "That feels so good," Harry almost moans.

"Yeah?" Louis chuckles, wrapping his arms around Harry. His face looks so pretty under the moonlight. "Hey," Harry turns his head to look at Louis. "I love you."

Harry's face slowly breaks out into a shy smile. "I love you too," He replies. If Louis from five years ago could see this, he'd be losing his motherfucking mind.

"Do you want to get married?" Louis asks. Harry giggles, but then Louis grabs his hand and lowers down, almost on one knee (his knee is hovering right above the water), and oh.

Harry, characteristically, is speechless. "I'm not really good with speeches, but I have a ring," Louis offers, an amused smile on his face. Harry's still frozen, and Louis pulls the box out of his pocket. "Yeah?"

Harry nods. "Yes, oh my God, yes," Harry's eyes are wide. Louis smiles, taking the ring out and slipping it onto Harry's finger. He stands up, and Harry's eyes are filling with tears.

"Are you okay?" Louis grins. Harry nods, tears running down his cheeks.

"Just wasn't expecting it," Harry sniffles, but he cracks a smile. "I'm so happy."

"Do you like the ring?" Louis asks. "Sophie helped me pick it out."

"I love it," Harry smiles wider, throwing his arms around Louis' neck. "It's just...I never thought I'd have something like this. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"I love you, Harry," Louis says into Harry's hair, kissing Harry's cheek. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

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