Changed my life!

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I was three it was a sunny saturday morning and I waited to hear the bump of my dads boots and the knock of my dads hand, but they never came. What did come was my mother with an upset look on her face. The look would be stuck in my brain forever. That look is the look that changed my life.

    When my mother came in I asked mama what wrong? My mother then answered your papa will not be comming to tell you good morning. Your papa won't be wearing his boots. Your papa won't be knocking on your door. I was extremely confused but I blew it off thinking he might just have a cold and went to the doctor or something.

      Later that morning after I had  gotten cleaned up and had eaten breakfast my mother put me in the car and we drove for what seemed like days. We passed by rivers, farms, towns, citys and everything else in the world.

       We arrived at some steal gates that opened extremely slow. After going through many doors we arrived at a room with many Windows with phone's on the sides of the wall. I saw all these men walk in with things on there hands and feet and then I saw my papa...

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