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  Every morning I hear the bump of my dad's boots on the floor. When my dad gets to the door he knocks twice to let me know he is comming in. I act like I am sleeping until he gets to the side of my bed then I jump up and yell papa as I hug him as tightly as my small arms can.
  Then we both walk to the bathroom so we can get cleaned up for breakfast. Today is Saturday so mama made blueberry pancakes with bacon, eggs and sausage. This is papa and my favorite, we could eat this for breakfast, lunch and dinner each day and it would never get old!

  Papa and I finished getting cleaned up and we walked through the small hall whistling our favorite song, the Star Wars theme song, we made it to the kitchen where mama was fixing both our plates. She knew exactly how much to put and exactly where to put them. My papa and I always joked and played at the table. We acted like spys, animals, monsters really anything we could think of.

  At the end of breakfast we all go to the living room to watch some of my favorite cartoons.  First we watch the Jetsons, then there's Scooby doo, lastly we watch Star Wars!

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