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"So now we're like partners I want to get to know you more" you say cheerfully but he just have a poker face, and it seems like he's not happy around you. Well to be honest he really is not happy that you're way talkative.
"So where do you live?" You ask him as he hop in the backseat beside you, "I'm currently staying at the hotel at-"

"What?! You're staying in hotel? Your wasting your money, you know what you can stay in mine if you want" you offer but he declined it, he know to himself that's not practical to stay in hotel knowing that he don't have enough money. "You know you can count me in I'm already your friend and I-"

"We can't be friends." You look at him shrugging your shoulder, "Why not?" you ask frowning at him, he straightened his sit before he speak

"Don't be too nice to people around you because sometimes they uses your kindness to take an advantage with you." He says without even looking at you,

"You're not going to take an advantage with me right?" You says as you nudge your elbow to his side playfully causes that his hazel eyes met yours,

"How did you know?"

"Hmm, I don't know I just feel it." You said clasping your fingers above your thigh, he just smirk as he shakes his head. "Still don't get too comfortable with me though." He said, as he rest his right elbow to the side of the window, while his fingers are on his chin. You were too good he thought but still he doesn't want you to trust him.

You talk, talk, talk and talk about your life, family, school stuff, crushes, discoveries and all until he breathe deeply looking at you

"Did you know how to shut up?"

"I'm just asking what are we gonn-"

"Give me five minutes! Five minutes break! Stop talking. Shut your fucking mouth for 5 minutes! I need to fucking think okay?! Just five minutes. God! You're so annoying!" Shawn says and you can tell that he's really annoyed and frustrated by his voice

"What are you thinking maybe I can help you-" He just glared at you that caused you to whisper the word 'you', you pinch your mouth for shutting it,but damn believe it or not you cannot shut up. "five minutes? 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8" You say in almost a whisper counting your fingers like a child but his eyes narrowing at you and you just shut your mouth for good.

You were both arrived in like a studio something and there's a few tall gorgeous women walking like a damn classy angel with their clothes are damn fine like... A signature ones and you're wondering what you guys doing here, but before you ask him.

"Okay so the first one you need to act classy so we're here to get some help from my friend Charlie to make you act like one."

"Huh? What-"

"No more asking, let's go!" He says holding your wrist as he drags you inside

"Shawn!!!" The tall skinny guy greets Shawn cheerfully in a high pitch tone of his voice as they hug each other in front of you, that caused to loosened his grip to your wrist, "Charlie my friend need your help can you help us?" He ask him directly as he pulled away from the hug, Charlie's eyes began to land on you

"Anything for you Shawn, so what it is bring it on!" Shawn bring you to his left side and introduce you and explained what he really needs as Charlie checking you out from head to toe.

He seems like a perfectionist and a terror teacher or whatsoever

"She's pretty, she can be classy whenever she want it to be but hey let me teach you how to walk like a Victoria secret model," Charlie winks at you, your jaw just dropped your going to complain but yeah you have no choice

Shawn said that you needed to be like that because of some fancy events that you'll gonna go through

You suffered for almost like an hours, your body and feet hurts from walking with a high heels on back and forth

And right now after the rough-day training you thought its done but isn't. You thought you gonna eat happily and peacefully but you were wrong.

You groaned as you rolled your eyes, "Can I just  eat? I'm starving." You complain, he shake his head and smirk "No, because right now we're going to use this stuffs" he says glancing at the spoons and forks in front of me, "Come on! Shawn they are all the same can we just skip this? I swear I'm starving!" You said but he just shake his head while still having a devilish smirk on his gorgeous face and you groan in frustration

After all of that you just feel drained and you just wanted to collapsed in bed, "I want to admit that being rich-wannabe was not so fun at all!" You exclaimed and he just chuckle, "You're going to use to it." Shawn said, as you tried to get comfortable in the backseat you feel so tired and you wanted to take a nap you shrugged your shoulder as you found your place, "I'm not sure.. If.. If I'm going to use from it" you yawn and you just feel your eyes get heavy and you didn't know that you just fell asleep, Shawn watches as the cars passed by until he glances at you peacefully sleeping, he smirk as he tried to positioned your head to his left shoulder to lean it on, but your head is still turning on the other side so he just shake his head and chuckle while looking at you.

"Hey uhm can you just drive directly to her house?" Shawn says to your driver and he just nod at him as an answer

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2019 ⏰

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