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Devastated, hurt and broken, after his long-time girlfriend broken up with him, he has nowhere to go after they sold their properties just to save the company and debts but sadly that wasn't enough.

He doesn't have anybody to called-oh-so friends. After the bankruptcy all their friends and relatives faded in one snapped at a time and we can say that he's all alone. He's a good looking man, and not anyone can be so good and help him without getting in return, how cruel the society that we're living right? They offered him a deal to be a sugar baby like you know the older ladies that his Dad friends in business industry...

"I hate this! I'll fucking hate my life!" He groaned, kicking the little rock in front of him, he pick up his phone and tried to call his only friend Brian, well he can say it. That it was his friend after all the shit he done for him. He bullied Brian when their was in 5th to 7th grade but since Brian's Mom died he'll stop and apologized when their in 9th grade.

He let a frustrated growl as his phone shut down due to the empty battery, "Fucking hate this! I really hate this life!" He just says, pulling his curly brown hair using his both hands while still holding his cellphone in his left hand

"Life is good why you hatin' it?" He turned his face to look at you as you walk closer to him, he eyed you from head to toe and you gonna start to introduce yourself to him but sadly he turned his back to you and starts to walk again.

"I don't have time for bullshit, yeah?" He said in not interested tone, but you just smile innocently and follow him behind "I'm here to offer you a job." You chuckles, as you walk beside him with hands on the back. His not buying it though, like a girl like you? Will offer him a job? That's insane! Because first of all, you don't look like rich nor classy. You seems like a normal, crazy people. And for the style of your clothes it's seems more like he have lots of money than you.

He stop from his track and faced you, "look, please just can you fucking leave the fucking shit me alone?!" He annoyingly says at you but it almost like a yell and you probably can tell his mad? Upset? At you for bothering him.

"But I'm just.." You started, but his right hand warns you to shut it, "B-but-"

"Just leave.." he says softly and begin to walk again, but suddenly he felt dizzy and weak, he didn't eat since last night after his girlfriend dumped him and has a sleepless nights, "Hey.. Y-you okay?" You ask, you know it's a stupid question because you know HE IS NOT OKAY. You offer him a help but he refuses you until he blacks out, you panicked and calls your driver to get him quick.

You bring him along in your house as you watch him asleep in your bed, he's looking like an angel peacefully sleeping. You just smile to yourself as you trace your fingertips along his thick perfect brows he furrowed his brows, "Don't leave..." He mumble eyes still closed, "Don't leave me.." he repeats,by this moment you knew his having a dream

"Hey, I won't leave you.." you whispered as you play his soft curly brown hair, "Isabelle please.. Stay" Isabelle? Is that his girlfriend? You continued to play with his curls until few moments later you realize that he's going to wake up, you sat up straight as you watch his eyes open.

"What are you doing?! Where am I?!" He says as he immediately sat up, his voice is raspy and sounds sexy to your ears, "You passed out and I don't know where I can brought you so I bring you along to my house" you said shrugging your shoulder, "I need to go." He says as he stood up, "Wait! You need to eat!"

"No, I'm good thank you." He says as he began to walk and march down the stairs, he just realized that this house is look oddly familiar to him but he just shrugged it off, "You need to eat! Come on, why so stubborn?" You says as you march down the stairs following him, he reached the front door but you hold his wrist his hazel eyes met yours "Look come on, please just eat a little before you leave." You say as you let go of his wrist, "I don't want you to passed out again." You know his going to talk but you plead and gives your signature smile at him.

He sighed deeply and gives in, how can he turned it down when you give that smile to him? He followed you to the dinning room. He thinks that maybe you're harmless though and innocent so he doesn't mind.

You hide your smile as you glance at him eating peacefully, maybe he's not that bad after all. He's just too stubborn, you thought.

"Where do you live? You know... I can offer you a ride if..." You started the conversation you got his attention as he stare back at you innocently, and that moment you don't know but you think you forgot to breathe and you start to fantasize his face he's handsome like very-handsome, he clears his throat so you snapped back to reality. "I-if you want to.." You stutter, cheeks flushed as you stare at the empty plate in front of you.

"No, I'm good thank you." He says as he sip his orange juice and began to stood up

"Thanks for the food but I gotta go." He says he turned his back at you and begins to walk, but suddenly stopped, you still sitting on the chair in the dining room, and he's 6 steps ahead.

"So you're the new owner of this house now I think?" He says looking at you through his shoulder, he's smiling but you can say it's not the sincere smile, "hope you'd take care this house. It means a lot to me." He says as he smiles faded and start to walk again and leave the house.

That was the only house he treasured because first he grew up there and him, his parents and sister have many lots of memories they shared there together, but it's now all gone.

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