"Which is?" Asked Nate eyebrows raise genuinely curious.

"I didn't quit after my first lost and become an actor" Brendan burst out laughing afterwards as Nate let out a sigh, rolling his eyes at him.

"And I thought all champions are honorable enough to not mention someone's disgrace" Said Nate crossing his arms in disgust.

"Hey, it's funny ok! I mean how many times has that happens? If anything it shows that you didn't have the heart of a champion" This only angered Nate even more.

"If you're in that situation you will do the exact same thing" Nate retort back trying his best to not yell at Brendan. "Look let's settle this in the battle arena ok? There you will see that I still have the skills of a champion".

"Ok tough guy, I will do that since it's almost our time to battle anyway" says Brendan pointing at the clock which now Shows that it's 09:08. 2 minutes before they're scheduled battle time.

The two exchange looks one more time as they head to their designated tunnel, with Nate frowning now with all the confidence in the world to show that asshole of a champion that he still got it.

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A butler walks through the hallways of the vip area, he's leading two people to a vip room previously assigned to their friend. One a tall, slender young man with very pale skin, black eyes, and jet-black hair with a small tuft that sticks up from the top of his head, who wears a white dress-shirt, an orange necktie, blue dress pants, and brown shoes, Cheren Haberkorn.

The other a medium height and slim girl with short yellow-blonde hair and bright green eyes. Who sports red glasses, a low white V-neck top with a black top underneath, knee-length green jogging bottoms, a green shoulder bag, orange boots with black soles and bows, green beret with a white bow and orange puffy coat, Bianca Bel.

The two cannot wait to meet their childhood friend Hilbert with Bianca Running into the room as soon the butler opens the door only to be met with Hilbert's surprise and confused expression as she hugged him like a teddy bear, after a few intense moments She let go of Hilbert letting him shake hands with Cheren.

"I thought you said that you guys going to arrive at 10?". Asked Hilbert, curious at how his two friends have arrived an hour earlier than expected.

"Well that was the plan, but the girl Besides me is incredibly impatient and keep asking me 'when are we gonna get going?'" Cheren playfully answers who received a light punch to the shoulder by Bianca.

"Oh come on Hilbert! You know I wouldn't have passed up on meeting you again after going 3 years of not even a word from you". Bianca squeal, her face turning red as she tried to defend herself.

"Boy, her life must be painful without knowing where I am" Hilbert thought to himself as he uneasily laughs with Cheren thinking about how his Friend's life was when he was gone, not wanting to get distracted by his thought he decided to change the topic. "Oh well, atleast you could be here to watch the first battle, how's the weather outside btw?"

"Well, to put it simply it's hell." answered Cheren. "The wind out there must be around 60 kph or something, doesn't look like it's gonna let up anytime soon"

"If this place wasn't a dome they would probably cancelled today's events" Bianca chimes in, the boys only nodded in response.

At that moment they were interrupted by the crowd going crazy at Nate's entry to the battle arena.

"So this is it, huh? His first competitive battle since he resigned?" Ask Hilbert.

"Yep, will be interesting to see whether or not he still has the skills to battle you Hilbert" Cheren response with a slight smug expression in his face, as if he already knew his former student could go all the way again in the tournament.

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