Day 0

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     The buzz of reporters from various news agencies, they talk among themselves while they waited at the main entrance of the driftveil world arena. They, like many others, couldn’t wait any longer since this year’s PWT Champions tournament has been hyped up for the past 6 months. And who could blame them?

     Unlike the previous two PWT where the champions tournament is only a final day filler to the week-long event, this year it has broken off into its own event with all champions and former champions from the seven region who are currently members of the world Pokémon league. Everyone cannot wait to see all the legends of the Pokémon world battle it out to see who’s the best trainer in the world, they all passionately await each champion to turn up to the arena and do their normal paparazzi things.

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“Hey, wake up! We’re there.” He mentioned as he slightly shoved his friend awake, who had fallen asleep.

“Wh-what is it Blue?” Said his friend as he groggily responds, rubbing his eyes as he slowly regained consciousness.

“We’re at the stadium Red. . .” Blue pointed his finger to the window to show his tired friend that they’ve finally arrived.

“Oh, ok then.” Red simply responds as he put on his usual stoic face.

“Really?! Is that your reaction to arriving at the stage of the bigge- “

“It’s a tournament that I have beaten twice before, with no problem whatsoever might I add.”

“Oh come on. We’ve talk about this before, the stakes are way higher than the previous two years with how many people are completing.”
Red only responds with a sigh.

“Come now Red we already agreed to do all this so you could return to being a normal person.” Blue said shaking his head at his friend response.

A few months prior the two had met up as friends for the first time since the events of their journey almost a decade ago, at which Red agreed to return to society after a long life of isolation and avoidance of it. Blue has been helping him in getting used to a normal life, introducing him to new technologies Red had never even see before, accompanying Red back to pallet town and reuniting him with his mom and even push Red to do an interview with Kanto’s media for the first time. Although finding the transition difficult having been used to living alone for almost 10 years Blue convince him that he will get used to it eventually.

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    A blinding white light flares past Red’s eyelids and the brim of his hat. Despite having attended this event for a third time red is still not in any way, shape, size or form used the many burning lights of the tournaments opening ceremony, nor is he used to the many high pitched screams around him from the thousands of people present at the Driftveil world arena.

     While most of the others were waving and smiling towards the crowd Red could only stand still, no doubt wanting the ceremony to end faster so he could finally get some privacy. He thought he was the only doing this until around the corner of his eyes he saw a boy opposite of his row doing the same as he is, standing still, trying to ignore the cheering crowd. He felt as though he knew who this was but had trouble putting his finger on who. Probably because his face is obscure by the flashes of the lights behind him.

        After the part of the opening ceremony that involve Red and the other champions was over they were ushered off stage to the V.I.P observation suites at the top level of the arena. The others were either watching the rest of the ceremony on the balcony or chatting among themselves in the interior area of the suite. Red is sitting in one of the seats in the room trying to relax, multiple times he tries to doze off by leaning against the wall but the constant noise from outside keeps him from his long awaited wish for rest and relaxation. After about 10 minutes he decided he had enough and heads to the arena’s outdoor viewing area to get away from the noise, once he arrived it felt like heaven.

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