Chapter 6

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"Because..." began the girl, "because I'm pregnant."

What Ginny said caused complete and utter silence. No one spoke, they just stared at the poor girl, as if they were expecting her to collapse any second. It was as if the dragon disappeared from their minds completely, they didn't even notice it flying away. The destroyed wedding didn't matter as well. All attention was on the bride and, apparently, her baby. Harry was dumbstruck and it was clear to everyone he had no idea what to say. He just clutched Ginny tight, holding her close to him and looking at her stomach as if expecting a baby to pop out.  Emotions were flooding him faster than ever before. He felt angry at Ginny for trying to save him, glad she was ok, surprised that she was pregnant, excited he was going to be a father and of course, most of all, he felt disbelief. Finally, he muttered:

"Ginny, are you sure?"

The girl stared at his eyes, as if not believing what he just said.

"Of course I'm sure you bloody twat!" she exclaimed, "I thought you'd be happier than that!"

Harry just smiled at the girl he was holding, when finally one emotion took over all: happiness. As he kissed her, the cheers of their friends faded away and all he thought about was his future, the family he was going to have, and how he was going to grow old with his children and his beautiful wife. Finally, they pulled away, and in no time at all Ginny was answering questions one after the other, from Hermione and Ron, who had tears all over his face.

"How long did you know?" asked Hermione, holding Ginny's hands tightly. They were all sitting on the grass in a tight group, with the bride in the middle.

"Not long at all, I found out two weeks ago. I'm already 3 months pregnant!" exclaimed Ginny, "I think I even started showing a bit."

She smiled at Harry and the wizard kissed her cheek. Ron stared at his sister in disbelief.

"Bloody hell, Gin." he said, "I'm going to be an uncle!"

"Actually, I was thinking," she smiled at him and Hermione, "do you want to be the Godparents, maybe? Of course, if that's ok with you, Harry."

Everyone's attention turned to Harry. He pretended to be deep in thought but soon he burst out laughing.

"I'd love it if you guys were the Godparents." he said.

Hermione squealed and Ron grinned widely. They sat there, below the tree, a completely destroyed wedding in front of them and they still managed to be happy. They even laughed about it, thinking how absurd the situation is, but at the same time how obvious it was that Harry Potter's wedding would not go perfectly as planned. After a while, they heard footsteps behind them and they saw Hagrid approaching them slowly, tears in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry, 'Arry." he said once he got to them and sat down, "I always mess up with 'em dragons, ye know?"

"Hagrid..." began Ginny.

"No!" exclaimed Hagrid, "Yer not going to tell me this is ok. I destroyed everything. And I put in danger ye and yer baby..."

With that, he burst out into tears. Harry sighed. How could he stay mad at Hagrid? The giant man felt so bad after what he'd done, Harry couldn't help himself but go over to him and try to comfort him. Soon all four wizards were convincing Hagrid that he was only trying to do the right thing. After the man calmed down, he said he'll make it up to them and left to his Hut, promising he'll be back in a bit. A minute after he left, apparating sounds distracted them from their talking and they saw Molly and Arthur Weasley running in their direction, looks of fear on their faces.

"Oh, Ginny!" exclaimed Molly, hugging the girl tight, "We wanted to stay and help, but Neville grabbed us! He said you'd be better off without us. Oh darling, are you ok?"

Molly hugged Ginny tight while Arthur went over to Ron and gave his son a hug as well.

"I'm ok, Mum." smiled Ginny, "I really am."

Molly nodded but she still didn't seem convinced. Arthur went over to his daughter.

"I'm so sorry about your wedding, sweetheart." he said, looking at Ginny with a sad expression, "You deserve much better than this. Both you and Harry."

Harry nodded and took his wife's hand.

"We're fine, really." he said, "At least we have something to remember."

He smiled at Ginny.

"Yeah guys." said Ron, "They'll be ok, with the baby and-"

"Ron!" exclaimed Hermione.

Silence fell upon the group. While Ron looked down embarrassed, his face completely red, Molly stared from one wizard to another, shocked. Finally, Arthur coughed and broke the silence.

"Ginny?" he said, "Would you mind explaining what Ron just said?"

The girl smiled shyly.

"Well, Mom, Dad," she began, not knowing what to expect, "I'm pregnant."

To explain what her parents thought at that moment would be impossible. One thing is for sure, they erupted with happiness. Molly squeezed Ginny so tight, the girl was worried about the baby while Arthur shook Harry's hand for a full minute, congratulating him with tears in his eyes. They were so excited, they couldn't control their magic and Molly made the tree they were sitting next to erupt in flames which is something only young wizards do by accident.

Soon more guests arrived, apologizing for running away. Nobody blamed them, but Harry could see they felt bad. Everyone offered to help clean up, even the news reporters were kind and when Hermione asked them to leave, they agreed. Soon everything was over, and the wedding couple along with some of their closest friends were sitting by a table, eating some leftover food. They were in the middle of a conversation when they heard a loud noise coming up from the sky. When Harry looked up, he saw Hagrid soaring through the air in his motorbike with a huge package in his sidecar. He landed with a loud thud, almost running all the wizards over.

"What is it, Hagrid?" asked Neville with his mouth full of cookies.

The giant stepped off his vehicle and walked over to the newlyweds.

"I wrecked yer wedding..." he said, "And I wrecked yer cake. So I made ye a new one."

And with that said he took off a huge cloth from the package, uncovering a ginormous cake the size of Ron. It was a twenty story high step cake, it's colour was brown and it had sugar sprinkled all over it. On the very top, a little Harry and Ginny were dancing a slow dance together, holding hands.

Harry and Ginny burst out laughing and soon the rest joined them.

"Thanks, Hagrid!" Harry exclaimed, hugging the man who hugged him back, almost crushing his lungs in the process.

Harry Potter then took Ginny Potter's hand and they ate their sugar selves' heads off. Both wizards couldn't believe how the day went. From a stressful preparation to the eventual kiss, to then a calm talk below a tree to a dragon attack, to Ginny telling everyone she was pregnant, to finally eating themselves off of a huge wedding cake. But no matter how crazy the celebration turned out to be, at the end of the day they were married and that was most important.

After a second everyone grabbed a plate and filled it with the delicious cake. They ate until they were completely full, and everyone laid down on the grass, looking up at the calm sky.

"Blimey, guys." whispered Ron, "Nice wedding."

"Thanks." replied Harry and Ginny at the same time.

Harry and Ginny: WeddingDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora