Chapter 5

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Harry and Ginny both stood in front of a huge line of guests wishing them all the best and congratulating them. It got most awkward when Malfoy came over, but all four were older, so they managed to have a polite conversation, good enough that nobody felt the tension between them. This lasted for the next half hour of the wedding, not including the quick press interviews that they were almost obliged to do, knowing how big their wedding event was. Finally, after all that was done, the pair had some time for themselves. 

They sat down in a quiet spot next to their pile of gifts and watched the people dance around and chat about whatever was on their minds. It was a magical moment. After all that they had to go through in their incredibly dangerous lives, they both managed to survive and have their own wedding day, and now everything was just peaceful, quiet. Calm. It was almost surreal. Even though the defeat of Voldemort made their lives a lot easier than they were before, it was still for no particular reason extremely hard for them to just sit down and do nothing, watch the time go on and stare into the distance. They finally had a chance to do it now. Except they were staring at each other. 

Harry just couldn't believe that the stunning girl sitting in front of him was actually his wife. If someone would've told him that when he was twelve, he would probably laugh them off. He always felt something more for this pretty redhead but he never thought more of it. Now everything about her looked almost angelic and Harry felt that he could barely hold it together to not just run away with her from everyone and... well... spend some quality time together. Furthermore, Harry and Ginny never imagined Ron to be okay with them even holding hands, and now he gave them their blessing for marriage. It was amazing for both of them. 

Ginny smiled at Harry and gave him her hand. She was thinking about her future with him. She never imagined it being anything else, then her, Harry and a couple of children flying around and playing Quidditch together with their father, but with the constant fear of the Dark Lord killing her she almost doubted it was possible to have a normal wizard life. Now she knew that it was and that she was going to live it. The relief she felt was the best feeling in the world, that she was sure of. As the pair's minds were full of thoughts about each other and their future, Hagrid suddenly barged in and sat between them.

"So?" he said cheerfully, "I thought I'd get you one of 'em presents."

"Oh, Hagrid." smiled Ginny, "You didn't have to, really."

The man said nothing, instead he reached into his huge pocket and took out something that looked surprisingly like an egg. 

"I know that our 'istory with these beasts ain't good, but this one's nothin' really, just a lil' pet."

"Hagrid." said Harry slowly, "Does this egg belong to a dragon?"

"No, no." chuckled Hagrid, "It did once. Now it's all yers." 

Harry stood up and grabbed the egg from Hagrid's hand. He was about to ask how much time they have left until the creature will hatch and wreak havoc upon the whole of the wedding, but it was too late. The shell began to crack and from it emerged a tiny beast with large eyes and pointy wings.

"It can fly?!" exclaimed Harry in disbelief and fright.

"No no, they don' fly, not 'ntil they're older." said Hagrid.

Harry took a deep breath trying to stay calm.

"Ginny, do you mind calling Hermione and Ron?"

The girl nodded and in five minutes she was back with the couple.

"Ok." began Hermione, "So we have, well, no time at all to keep the dragon inside the egg. Hagrid where did you even get this?"

"I asked yer brother, Ron." Hagrid replied, " Told 'im that ye wanted one. Well not ye, Ron. 'Arry."

"What species is this?" asked Ron.

"It's an Antipodean Opaleye." said Hermione, "I know a bit about it. It comes from New Zealand and..." Hermione didn't finish.

'And what?" asked Harry.

"Well, it's beautiful. But it produces fire."

Just as Harry was processing this information the egg in his hand cracked completely and out came a little baby dragon. His shimmering scales glowed in the sunlight and his eyes began to look around. He then blinked and yawned producing a large flame that luckily burned only the grass he was standing near as Harry placed him on the ground. 

"What do we do?" asked Ginny in despair. 

"I dont know." replied Harry.

"Precious little thing." said Hagrid, "Ye dont think it'll hurt you?" 

"I dont know." Harry repeated himself.

"What will we do if he starts attacking everyone?" asked Ron.

"I dont know." Harry said for the third time in a row. 

Suddenly they heard a humongous shriek from somewhere in the sky. At first all they saw was a shadow moving through the clouds but then they realised that it wasn't only a shadow. It was a creature. More precisely, a dragon. An Antipodean Opaleye. The baby's mother. The beast circled above Hogsmeade for a couple of minutes until it began flying down and burning the air around if with long streaks of boiling fire. As soon as the guests realised what was happening they began apparating and in no time at all the only people left where Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Ron and Hagrid. And a huge dragon. 

Harry couldn't believe how fast it was all over. Just a second ago he was appreciating the calmness of the day, and then suddenly everything got destroyed by a massive dragon. How was that even possible? Hagrid said he got the egg from Charlie who worked in Romania, which was very far away. Unless he lied? Either way, there was no time for thinking. The creature landed 10 meters away and began pacing around, staring at the baby next to them. Everyone grabbed their wands and got closer to each other. As Hagrid slowly began taking steps back knowing that there was nothing he could do, Harry took a few steps forward and stood close to Ginny. He couldn't let anything happen to her, not on their wedding day. 

"Ok." he began, "Everyone stay here, I'm gonna pass the baby to the dragon."

"Harry..." whispered Ginny.

"I'm gonna be fine." he looked at her reassuringly. 

The little dragon began walking around so Harry quickly grabbed him and placed him on his hand. He then walked over to the huge beast taking slow but steady steps. When he was a couple of feet away and he could feel the dragons warm breath, he laid the baby on the ground. And the moment he did that, the beast jumped and shrieked. 

Ginny didn't even think twice. The girl screamed NO! and jumped in the middle of Harry and the dragon just as it was about to cough out a ginormous flame out of its mouth. And as she did that, for some reason the female creature stopped itself, and took a few steps back, grabbing its baby on the way. Everybody was quiet. Harry jumped up to his feet and hugged Ginny tight.

"Ginny!" exclaimed Hermione, "What happened? Why didn't it attack?"

"Because..." began the girl, "because I'm pregnant."

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