Osamu x Yuma- Rainy Day

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I know it's been literal years since I updated this story, lowkey forgot it existed, but I have made a return in celebration of the 2nd and 3rd WT seasons, I'll try my best to consistently update :)

Requested by oni-oui123

Osamu took a glance at the downpour outside. He was briefly glad that he was living at home for the school winter holidays, rainy days at the Tamakoma branch always led to "team-bonding exercises" as Rindo would put it, which would in turn usually lead to Konami beating Karasuma over the head with the board of whatever tabletop game they decided to play.

As he flipped through his book, he chuckled at the memories, but was interrupted by a knock at the door and he fumbled with his book in surprise as he hurried to dog-ear his page. He wondered if it was his mother returning early from visiting his father overseas, but discarded it as he knew she had her key with her and was far too meticulous to have lost it.

Opening the door, he was greeted first with a mop of soaked, no-longer-poofy white hair, then an equally soaked duck face looking up at him. Yuma and Osamu stared at each other for a few moments longer, before the shorter stuck his hand up in greeting.

"Yo, Osamu," he chirped, seemingly unbothered by the buckets of rain still pouring down on him.

"Hey..." Osamu responded, still not fully comprehending the situation. Snapping back into focus, he quickly reverted into doting mother mode, ushering Yuma inside and closing the door behind him with his foot.

"Look at you, you're soaking wet..." He muttered more to himself than Yuma, as he dragged his teammate into the bathroom and draped a towel over his head. "Why are you here, anyway? I thought you were staying at Tamakoma for the holidays..."

Yuma took the towel on top of his head and began furiously wiping down his hair. "That was the plan, but I decided I'd rather be here with you when Konami challenged Karasuma to a no-trigger wrestling war and everyone else started taking bets."

Despite the fact that Yuma had said that Osamu was the second choice, he still felt his face heat up a bit at Yuma saying he'd rather stay with Osamu. He quickly shoved some shorts and an old t-shirt into the boy's hands. "Y-you can take a shower if you want, I'll just be in the living room." Cursing his stutter, he hurriedly power-walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him with a small click. He leaned against the doorframe and breathed out slowly. He had known that his feelings for the Neighbor had drifted away from the realm of platonic long ago, but that didn't stop him from lying to himself about the effect of having a very cute Neighbor, in his house, in his bathroom, in his shower, wearing HIS clothes–

He put a stop to that train of thought before it went any further. 

He flopped down onto his sofa and flicked on the TV, scanning through channels before settling on some cheesy, mindless Christmas special. He just needed a distraction.

Minutes later, he heard the water shut off and looked up at the bathroom. After a minute or two, Yuma and his newly fluffed hair walked out of the bathroom, arms full of his sodden clothes, disappointingly obscuring what Osamu knew to be an adorable view of an oversized shirt on the Neighbor. Snapping his mind out of the gutter again, he wordlessly pointed to the laundry basket in the corner of the room.

Yuma nodded in acknowledgement and Osamu turned back to the TV, hearing Yuma's feet padding towards him seconds later, but was suddenly startled by Yuma lying across his entire torso. He was briefly surprised at how light he was, but remembered it was likely just because of Yuma's completely Trion body.

"W-what are you doing?" He strained out, turning to his teammate. Yuma looked up at him like he was stupid.

"Huddling together lets us share body heat, it's cold outside," Yuma replied, turning back to the TV. Osamu decided not to mention that the heat was on 65°.

"Besides..." The Neighbor continued. Osamu looked down at him, only to be met with a cheeky grin. Yuma leaned closer towards his cheek, pressing his lips chastely to his cheek.

"Don't we look kinda cute like this?" Yuma finished, pulling back but still leaning over his taller teammate, grin still on his face. Osamu flushed and shoved him back, and Yuma broke out into laughter. Osamu huffed and pulled him back into his side, the two of them not needing to exchange words, and turning back to the TV just in time to watch some kind of evil elf get smacked with a giant candy cane.

Osamu began to like the rain a little bit more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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