Chapter 15: Telling Liam

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Gen was guilty and unbelievably sorry for everything that he had gone through in such short time. Yet she couldn't help but, selfishly, be hurt that he never told her any of it. They were sitting in silence now. Lunch started in ten minutes and she had already been down in the kitchens with Dell for half and hour as she usually did before lunch, but they hadn't spoken to each other at all. 

He focused on the dough that was spread like a sheet on his board. 

"Hey Dell," said a girl lugging a pot of water. "I don't have enough time to wait for this water to boil, do you mind?"

He turned away from his dough and with a flick of his hand, a small flame erupted from his fingers. He fiddled with his hand a little and to Gen's amazement, it turned blue. He held it for a second under the pot, gradually increasing the size until the water started bubbling and Gen could hear the familiar rumbling that meant it was boiling. 

"Thanks Dell!" beamed the girl. She looked about fifteen, maybe sixteen, and was very petite and small for her age. She had caramel colored skin and rich, dark curls. There was a dimple in her left cheek as she smiled. As if noticing Gen's attention, she turned to her. "I'm Lana."

"Genevieve," said Gen smiling at her. 

The girl's eyes widened, "Genevieve as in Genevieve Delora?" At her nod, she shrieked, "No way, you're the royal prophet!"

Gen blushed, "Yeah, that's me."

"No way," the girl repeated. Then another voice yelled for Lana to bring the pot back and she scattered away with a quick, "Bye!" thrown over her shoulder. 

Dell was staring at her. 

"What is it?"

He cleared his throat, "I'm leaving tomorrow for home."

Gen blinked, "What?"

"My family needs me right now," he said, fiddling with his fingers again. He looked slightly guilty. "It's been rough."

Gen paused, her heart pounding. "Are you coming back soon?" she asked tentatively. 

He didn't answer, just turned back to his dough. 

"Dell," she said, voice louder. "Gods, Dell. Are you coming back?"

He looked down, "I don't know." 

Her heart lurched, "Dell..." I'm sorry.

"Forget it," he said quietly. "I'm not mad about it. I miss my parents- they need me and I, I need them too."

She nodded, "Will you visit?"

"No," he said. She almost flinched at his curt tone. "It's nearly lunch, you should go now. Don't forget to wipe the dirt off your face before you dine with the royals." Gen was shocked at the bitterness in his voice. 

"You've got to be kidding me," she said. "Dell, what did I do to deserve this? "

He didn't answer, "Bye Genevieve." The use of her full name was like a slap to the face. 

"Bye Dell," she said at last, feeling defeated. And then she left. Dell never once looked back. 

"We have a problem," said Cora as she opened her bedroom door for Gen to come in. 

"What kind of problem?"

"A security problem," she said, sitting on her bed. Gen followed suit. 

"They strengthened security on the vault?"

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