An Eye For An Eye

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A Month Later 8pm...

You and Harley have gotten pretty close already. She loves being around you. You both are sitting on the couch watching TV. "Uuuugggghhhh! I'm soooooo booooooorrrrrred!" Harley groans laying on the couch in a uncomfortable looking position. At least to you. "Wanna go out?" you ask her. Harley's eyes widen and gets up. "What do you mean, like..." she stops twirling her hair. "I mean like to go and do something fun. Like cause random explosions or maybe rob a couple of stores" you explain to her. "What did you think I meant?" you ask her. Harley blushes a little hard. "Nothin'. Let's go have some fun!" Harley says getting up and getting her suit. She quickly changes and grabs her gear.

You grab your belt and tap the center circle. You made two versions of your suit. One that you put on like a regular suit and the other made of nanotechnology built into your belt in case the other was damaged. The suit flows over your body all the way to your face completing the mask as you simply stand in place. Harley watches you "change" and she begins to ask questions about your suit. "If you can make nanotechno suit thingies why don'tcha make money off of it?" Harley asks. "It's my tech. I do what I want with it" you reply. The mask crawls off your face revealing you were holding a sly smile for Harley to see. She giggles.

You jump out the window and shoot out your grapple line onto a nearby rooftop. Harley aims her jester grapple gun to where you landed and shoots. It hooks to the rooftop suprising Harley. She swings towards you while doing a Tarzan-like yell. After she wraps her line up, you two do parkour across multiple buildings. "So, what should we do first?" Harley asks as you both do a flip over an alleyway. "Wanna mess with some cops?" you ask her. Harley smiles her usual chaotic smile.


You both land on a rooftop where you have a clear shot of a couple of cop cars. They're surrounding an abandoned building where Harley hears a familiar voice. "Eat my ass coppers! You ain't taking me back to Arkham!" Harley taps your shoulder. "I think that's Two Face!" Harley says. "I worked with Harvey a couple times!" you tell Harley. "Well then, let's go help a fellow villain out!" you continue, taking out a smoke bomb. "Here's the plan" you begin to explain. I'll drop this smoke bomb, drop down, and steal a car causing them to chase me. Meanwhile you'll help Two Face get to safety." You throw the bomb in the center of the ground. Everyone yells and shoots their guns in confusion as you slide down and get into the car. As you do your part, Harley aims and fires at the top of the building, hooking onto it. Harley swings across hitting and shattering the window. The red and blue lights brighten and the horn blares as you slam the pedals. As you drive away Harley has a little chat with Two Face.

"Whaddya doin' here, Harley? I thought you were done with all this after what happened years ago

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"Whaddya doin' here, Harley? I thought you were done with all this after what happened years ago." Harley looks around the room. "Yeah, well, things change, but I haven't changed one bit!." Two Face raising an eyebrow and smiling slyly. "I guess not. So, you came to help me escape?" Two Face asks. "Yup!" Harley replies. "Along with Scarlet Widow. He went and stole a cop car ta distract them." Two Face gathers his duffle bag of stolen money and machine guns. "I know Scarlet! I've worked with him a couple of times. Excellent fighter. Almost as good of a villain as me." Harley smiles, rolling her eyes. "So...any other cop cars for me to steal?" Two Face asks Harley. She looks out to see one was left. The two villains smile. They soon head to the bottom. "Thanks Harl. Tell Scarlet I said hey." Two Face says as he shuts the door and drives off. Harley gets out her phone.


Your phone rings as you try to shake off the cops. With one hand you pick it up and see that it's Harley. You answer. "Sup Harl?" you begin. "I got Two Face ta safety. Plus he said hi!" she replies. You smile. "That's nice. So, are you still at the bank? I'm getting closer to the apartment so I'm going to bail out of the car pretty soon." Harley aims her grapple gun. "Alrighty then! On my way!" Harley says as she begins to swing across Gotham. You turn on your invisibility belt, jerks the steering wheel, and jump out. The car crashes causing two other cars to crash. The rest stop and the officers step out to investigate. They see no driver as you look from the side of a building thanks to your anti gravity boots.

You soon head back to the roof across from the apartment where Harley is waiting playing a handheld console. She sees you and turns off the game. "Hey! Weird how we thought ta wait at the same rooftop." Harley says. "Yeah I guess we really do think alike." you reply. "So, what time is it?" Harkey asks. You bring up a hologram clock. "It's 9pm. The night is still young." you tell her smiling. "Well let's get to it!" Harley says excitingly as she grabs your hand and she takes you off to have another nighttime adventure.

That's My Harley: A Harley Quinn x Male Reader (+18)Where stories live. Discover now