Chapter 5

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Time from last chapter: None

Coldheart watched as Goldenpaw bounced over gleefully. Coldheart sighed and took deep breaths.

Why does she not grief? Coldheart thought, then sighed once more, I wish I was her, to just let it go and move on.

"Coldheart, uhhhhhh, can we start training?" Goldenpaw bounced while asking. Coldheart looked at her eager face. He could tell he was going have to deal with a apprentice that was sort of like Acornmist. He thought of what apprentices usually do first. They usually don't go to training right away. He looked, or more like glared at Goldenpaw. Goldenpaw squeaked in alarm.

"No," he said calmly, "If you want to train Goldenpaw, you're going to have to know the territory, otherwise in hunting you might barely catch a mouse or in battle you will have the same disadvantage if we weren't battling in our territory." Goldenpaw shrunk down.

"It's okay, that's why we're going to explore the territories today, but just make sure you don't get lost," Coldheart said with a hint of amusement in his voice. He almost smiled but his mouth only twitched so slightly.

Lost, lost like Sunny and I, lost from Claudia, Coldheart thought. He immediately became alert.

Claudia, is that... I know my mother's name? Coldheart thought with shock and happiness. It was one of the first times that he had been actually been hopeful.

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