The Britfag Saga, Act 3, Chapter 2: Taking care of business

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So after not only another long couple of weeks working on moving out of this shoebox of a house i'm in (mostly paperwork and formalities, won't bother you with "all" the details) i have returned to administer another dose of the legendary tale of Britfag.

We had last left off with my post being removed inexplicably and being posted to my drive and wattpad the unholy trinity trying to fedorafag my at the time F.W.B only to be grilled before homeroom.

and now the continuation, as always, links will be below, follow up post to come should it be removed yet again.

Google drive:

Be me

Be Later into the day of chapter 1.

Be at work in the village

Helping Bosslady on the counters with the rest of my peers

Getting asked for mates rates and the employee discount

TF you think this place is? a texaco?

Be about halfway done with the lines when a squad of weebtards cut the line and barge into the store.


Hear tonnes of people in line complaining about the tards, both for their ignorance and poor hygene.

Need to solve this problem quickly.


Find a raffle ticket book under the counter

Problem solved

Take the book and tell the boss to start reading out numbers from 1 to 100

Pass tickets out to each customer/ group of customers

Completely ignore the tards


Come back about 10 minutes later, half the line is already gone.

Tards are still there stood by the counter, redder than the cherry balsams.

Closing time rolls around

Weebtards are still there

Weebtards are still red

Weebtards be cucked as we're putting the jars away when one speaks up

"GyIh! W-wAiT We WeReNt SeRvEd"

By sithis this creature is capable of cohesive statements!

Be More capable, clap back with "You weren't in line, nor did you have a ticket.

Tard protocols engaged: check argument, check criteria, line=0, ticket=0, boolean error p07470; engaging failsafe

"I wAnT cAnDy!"

Tard goes to grab one of the displays.

Bosslady is in the back putting the jars in place

Time to do what Britfags do best

Vault over the counter and grab the sweepingbrush


TF was that?

Don't be westerosi, be britfaggy

Joust this motherfucker out the door

Nat 20

Tard doesn't even see the brush coming and gets knocked out the front and gets the wind knocked out of him.


Tards rage and charge me.

Their spatial awareness be whack yo!

Sidestep them

Tards pile onto their leader like tards


Shut and lock the front door like a boss

Not the boss as Bosslady walks in and thanks me for getting rid of those hangarounds.

Praises me for thinking ahead and providing tickets for the customers

Britfag: be praised!

Help Bosslady finish closing, bring the shutters down on the front, tards are long gone.

Grab my bike and ride back home.

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