"But he could die," I emphasized.

"He could be lying."

"Or telling the truth."

He sighed. "I can't ask for security even if I wanted to. There's nothing that proves he's in danger."

"You want proof that a grade one assassin might kill him? Are you f*cking kidding me?"


"Ghost said, on camera, that he was coming for the man that killed Kroft. This guy killed Kroft."

For once, Harry went silent.

"Kroft apparently knew something that Ghost wanted to remain a secret but died before he could kill him."

"Wouldn't Ghost be happy that Kroft is dead?"

"Maybe he was threatening to expose him."

"We can't make speculations. This guy is being transferred to a larger facility in an hour so there would better security if that helps," Harry informed me. "That's all we can do. You can go home now."

I nodded exhausted. "Sure. Let me get my things."


I walked into my apartment and noticed that the lights were on which were off when I left. "Hello?" I called, my hand wrapping around the small gun I had in my bag.

Checking the kitchen quietly , I found it empty then entered the living room. Ghost was sat on the couch, watching the television and smiled lazily when he saw me.

"Hello, angel."

"What the f*ck are you doing here?"

He stood up. "I came to see if you were okay."

"So you broke into my house?"

"Your door is sh*t. Anyone could break in."

I wanted to scream. "No, they couldn't. There are multiple locks for a f*cking reason and you don't have a key."

"Does your boyfriend have one?"

"Don't change the topic."

"Does. He. Have. A. Key."

Groaning in annoyance, I gave in. "Yes. Happy?"

"No, I'm not happy," he replied, frowning.

"Too f*cking bad. We caught Kroft's killer," I told him, watching his reaction. There was none.

"Isiah. That's his name."

"He said you're a Sinner." Again, nothing. "You have it written on your collarbone."

"I feel like you want to ask something so get to the point."

"What were you actually doing on the day of Kroft's murder?"

His amber eyes rolled. "I didn't kill Kroft and I wasn't going to if that's what Isiah told you. I was just...distracting him."

"Distracting?" I needed a new job.

"If you place a lion in herd of zebras, they start running instead of eating. I already met Kroft. He had information that I wanted that Isaiah's group didn't want me to know. So I let them think I hadn't seen him yet and was going to kill him. They start panicking and kill him themselves."

"You don't seem too worried about Kroft."

"He's a drug dealer who is involved in illegal trade and knew too much. Not really important to me and I don't go around killing for fun."

"So you let Isiah kill him for you," I realized. "You're crazy."

"Am I?"

"Is that a question? You've broken into my home and stalked me for starters."

"Stalked is a strong word. It implies I'm obsessed with you and I'm sorry to break it to you, but I don't even like you."

My cheeks flushed with anger and hurt. "You don't like me? Then why the f*ck are you here?" I growled.

"To check if you're okay."


"Did I upset you?"

"Leave me alone. All you do is cause trouble and make more reports for me to type. Go back to Vegas." I tried to push him but he wouldn't move.

"I'll go there when you do," he responded.

"Why would I go there? I'm going to file a restraining order," I warned.

Ghost simply laughed. "That means nothing to me. Go ahead."

I gave up. He clearly wasn't going to leave and it was two in the morning. Sitting down on the couch, I glanced at the television and noticed it was on the news channel.

"Breaking news. We have reports of a van that held a criminal, that was convicted today, has exploded on a highway. The driver hasn't been identified but the prisoner is said to be Isiah James, a murderer who-"

Slowly, I looked at Ghost, eyes wide. He met my gaze and gave me a sinister smile.

"What did you do?" I breathed, horrified.

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