Height? Like...5'9. Average. Haircut? Average middle-aged, short style. Completely equal toned skin all across his body with not a single mole or freckle to be found. Dark brown eyes match the exact shade of his hair. No distinct features, piercings, or tattoos. Even his clothes are plain and simple as he wears a mono-colored, dingy grey suit. What an... average man.

"Hey, are you even listening to me?" His average face leans in close.

"What'd you say averag- Uh...I mean...sir?" A fake, innocent grin upturns my cheeks. He must be a teacher of some kind. So then...is this a school? If it is, then lord it's huge. How would you even-

"Hey! I am asking as to why and how you left the room without permission!"

"What does it matter? I'm not staying here anyways!" Jeez he's like my mother... I wonder if I can outrun this guy. Only one way to find o-

"Ms. Bellemy, I am the authority here. You listen to me."

My vision shifts into an agitated glare. Okay...this guy is starting to annoy me...

"Listen to you? I don't even know you. You have no right to boss me around. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm leavi-agh!" My eyesight jitters into a dizzy haze. All the limbs of my body go utterly numb as darkness settles into my jumbled mind. Not... again...


Look, that man isn't favored by many but listen to him for now. He is one of the few that wants to help you.

I won't. But...I guess I'll try to trust him...

Trusting isn't always the best option either, these people are monsters as you've seen.

Wait but...aren't you a monster too?

...What do you mean?

You're speaking to me...inside my head.

...No comment.

Hey! Don't be shy now. We're friends, right? You, me, inside my head.

...This shall be continued at a later time.

No, wait-!


"...ut you don't just bite a student." Hmm..? Someone's talking...

"Well, you weren't really handling the situation..." Another voice... they sound familiar...

"Ugh Mr. Renwick, why must you always cause trouble..." Mr.Renwick? Who's that?

"Isn't that what I'm best at?" ...Sarcastic and arrogant. Yup. I can recognize blonde boy's tone a mile away. So then...the other voice must be Mr. Average...

"Anyways, please do not do this aga-"

"She has awakened." That angelic tone...the woman from before! Ah!

The movement of a curtain being drawn back squeaks in my ears while a faint light hits my closed eyelids. Just pretend like you're asleep and weren't eavesdropping on their conversation again. Oh god... they're probably staring at me. Oh god. I probably look like hell. Did I put on makeup that day I went ou-

"Don't play dumb, we know you're awake. Unless of course... you're waiting for this prince to kiss you." My eyelids fly open. Please for the love of God, do not put your lips anywhere near m- Three pairs of eyes stare at me.

...Well, this is awkward. That bratty blonde is so gonna... red? His pupils aren't grey but instead... crimson red. He's one of them-

"That was very foolish of you Ms. Bellemy. WHO JUMPS OUT OF A WINDOW?" Mr.Average interrupts my thought.

Hang on. Hold up. Let's backtrack for a moment, "Excuse me?"

A snort. My eyes dart in the direction of the young blonde. He covers a wicked grin while looking away. You.

"Look, he obviously lied to you about what I did!" Ooo, If he was just a smidge closer I'd punch the hotness right out of him!

"Lying or not, you still left the room through that window." What else was I supposed to do, you locked the damn door.

"I was obviously tryi-" A cool, soft, touch falls onto my skin. Looking down, a flawlessly, pale hand with ruby red coffin nails cover my unpainted ones. My eyes meet round, lustrous icy blue.

Jesus, she's gorgeous. If I had those eyes and her flowing, thick black locks, I'd have Mr. Arrogant over there kissing the ground I walked on.

So...who is this lady? Behind her, I notice a clean lab coat drapes over the back of her seat. A thin metal tag reads 'Dr. Ludwig'. ...Maybe the school doctor? Lulling me with a sweet, scarlet stained lip smile, she turns to Mr. Average.

"That's enough Mr. Kragen." Ah, so that's his name. I'm still calling him Mr. Average. The beautiful woman turns back to me, "How are you feeling, Ms. Bellemy?"

Like hell. "Fine. Just some small scratches and a bump on the head."

"And your neck?" ...That's a strangely specific question to ask. Should I be worried? I tilt my head side to side. Now that I think about it, the left side is a bit sore. ...but why is it sore...?

My eyes widen in panic. Instinctively, my hand reaches up and touches what feels like a cotton pad stuck with tape. Yup. Should've been worried.

"What's this?"

"It's to cover the holes in your neck, duh." Blondie yawns.

My eyes stay fixed on him, "...the what?"

"The holes, from when I bit you."

I blink a few times. "...from what?"

"The bite mark. From when I bit you. With my fangs," he says slowly while pointing to his extended canines.

Those...those are fangs. Why are there fangs in his mouth? Did...he just say he... bit me?

The world's quick pace drags as my hand resists the urge to rip the cotton pad from my neck. Don't. Unable to fight, a trembling finger pinches one edge. Marzi, don't do it. Peeling it back from the sticky residue, my fingers rub across two perfectly aligned divots which penetrate the flesh through to what feels like the furthest layer. No.

"Don't worry. I didn't suck your blood or nothing. I just did it to calm you down. Or well, knock you out." No.

"That's still not an excuse to bite her Mr. Renwick!" Mr. Average snaps back. No!

"What?" He shrugs, "It's not like I hurt her or nothing. Plus it'll keep the other vampires off her back now." Glossy fangs smirk at me, "You don't have to thank me."

The sound of my heart stops. That word. That was the word I didn't want to hear. It's... it's impossible. They can't... They're not... They don't...

The conversations trail off as everything drowns in an ocean of pure uncertainty. My mind blocks out any and all possible understandings except one.

Sara...you were right. Vampires do exist.


So it seems Marzi's made a terrifying discovery. Hope you enjoyed, if you'd like, vote or leave some feedback! Thanks for reading!

Till next time! :)

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