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June 2018 - Delhi

The grey clouds continued to roll and the first drops of rain just started to fall, when the old man sitting by the window sighed for the 10th time as he continued to stare out. He began tracing the droplets down the pane with one shaky finger, mustering as much control as he could. He sighed again and stretched out his fingers in a clenching and unclenching motion. Slowly, he gripped the wheels on his chair and spun around to face the door.


A tiny smile crept up the old man's face. It was a rare sight to see, considering he had little reason to smile these days. But he could always count on Zoya to put a smile on his face.

"Harshvardan uncle"

At the door stood Zoya. A very angry Zoya. With her hands on her hips, she walked into the room in long strides. Her powder blue anarkali dress flowing behind her, while her chocolate brown curls bounced with each step. She stopped in front of her patient and frowned, her hazel eyes downcast and furrowed at the sight in front of her.

"Beta, tum kab aayi?" Harshvardan asked innocently, looking around as if he didn't see Zoya shooting daggers out of her eyes.

"Uncle, how many times have I told you. You have to finish all your meals, how else are you going to get stronger?" Zoya exclaimed, her hands outstretched, bangles creating shaking in accompaniment.

"Beta, I was going to finish it but I didn't feel too good" he lied. The truth was, he had absolutely no appetite these days. He was sick and he knew it was only a matter of days before he would be done with all the shot, pills and doctor's visits. The only thing he would be sad about is not seeing Zoya, his nurse.

"Not feeling good?" Zoya immediately snapped back into nurse mode and went over the nightstand to pick up the blood pressure cuff. She slipped it onto his arm, popping the stethoscope buds in her ears. She frowned as she checked his pressure.

"Pressure is slightly high. I'm going to speak to Dr. Habib tonight and see if we should change any medication" Zoya said, as she removed the cuff and folded the contraption.

Harshvardan placed a hand gently on Zoya's, stopping her mid-motion. He had no desire for any changes or new medications. He knew what was coming and was happy for it. He was done with all the treatments. He just had a few very important things to do before he left, and he wanted to make sure his time was spent on that.

"Zoya beta, you've been my nurse for 2 years now. You're like a daughter to me. Please listen to what I have to say" he continued calmly, his deep voice rolling with the clouds, crackling as they did.

"At this time, I want to stop all treatment. I want to spend my last few days with my son's at my side. I want to go to my old home, and spend my last days there" Zoya started to plead, but Harshvardan held up a hand "Please, this is my last wish. Please respect it"

Tears prickled in Zoya's eyes and she blinked them back as she continued to listen to what he had to say.

"I have decided to go back to my old home, please come with me. We will leave Delhi and go to Mumbai the day after tomorrow. Please tell me you'll come?" he looked at her with hopeful eyes.

"Of course uncle" she smiled and patted his hand though her heart was breaking. "I would never leave you and I respect your wishes" she knew she wouldn't be able to change the old man's mind. This had been a long time coming.

"Thank you" he replied and patted her hand as well. She swallowed her tears and gave him a hug.

She thought of Mumbai, of all the things she had left behind. Dark memories tucked into a corner of her mind. Memories she refused to voluntarily visit and yet they always volunteered to visit her. She knew she would have to return one day and face everything – and everyone – she had managed to hurt.

She turned around the old man's chair and the both of them looked out at the pouring rain. Thunder streaked in the murky darkness while hard droplets angrily pelted the pane. Lost in their own thoughts, they both sighed.

June 2018 - London

"Please, find her. She knows" a pale hand, reached out of the quick sand. Grasping for someone...something....

"Pooja! Pooja, please hold my hand!" he screamed. The hot desert sunburned his back and the grains of sand swirled around him, sticking to his sweaty body, as he reached for her hand. Slipping, he tried again, his tears mixing with the blowing sand storm...

"Find her, find Z..Zoya" her voiced echoed around him, filling the crevices of his mind. Zoya. He had to find her, but first he had to save Pooja. Her face already under the quick sand, he grasped for her hand again. If only he wasn't so sweaty, if only he was faster...stronger.

"Find her...." her voiced trailed off as the last of her fingers disappeared under the sand.


Aditya Hooda awoke with a gasp as he bolted upright. He gulped some air in an attempt to ease his startled breath but the image of Pooja burned bright as the sun in his dream. Panting, he looked around and realized he was at home. In his bed.

And Pooja was still very much dead.

Slowly his breathing eased and he wiped the sweat dripping from his head. His very painfully pounding head. He knew those extra shots the night before were a very bad idea. Tequila always gave him the worst dreams.

He always dreamt of her though, even without alcohol. Sometimes it was quick sand, other times a tumbling ocean or at the edge of a cliff. He was always trying to save her. To prevent the tragedy that defined his life for the past 2 years. At the helm of all his dreams was one name. 


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