Chapter Two/ Familiar Grounds

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"Aapiiiiii!!" screeched Noor as she jumped into Zoya's arms, "You're back!"

She hopped up and down wildly, with Zoya in her arms. The two of them jumped around in circles around Noor's front door.

"Yes yes, I'm back!" replied Zoya, she couldn't help but grin. Noor's enthusiasm never failed to rub off on Zoya.

Noor led Zoya into the apartment. Closing the door, Noor hugged Zoya once again, unable to contain her excitement.

"Aapi, you don't realize how happy I am. When you called and told me your were moving back to Mumbai, I almost didn't believe you"

"I's Uncle. He asked me to come back with him. I couldn't say no" Zoya had told Noor about Harshvardan uncle. Her decision to go to Delhi as a live in nurse was been met with resistance from Noor initially, but she eventually accepted that Zoya needed to get away from Mumbai.

"What do you mean, you didn't come back for me? Your own sister?" pouted Noor, her hands on her hips.

"Of course, I'm back here for good. For you! I want us to live together again" she replied. It had been 2 years since she had set foot in Mumbai again. She was nervous and scared but being with Noor gave her some comfort.

Noor smiled, "Aapi, we're finally together. I really missed you" tears welled in Noor's eyes and they hugged each other once more.

"So tell me, how's work at the magazine going?" asked Zoya, as she started making herself comfortable on Noor's couch.

"It's going great! We're almost ready to launch the second magazine and the company is letting me manage a few of the new writers. It's all going so great" she exclaimed. Noor wrote for Mumbai Belly, a hip urban magazine curated for the younger generation. She had always been a good writer, and Zoya knew she would make something for herself.

"Tell me Aapi, how are you doing?" Noor sat down beside her, placing a hand on top of hers, a look of concern in her eyes, "Are you still getting those dreams?"

Zoya closed her eyes, and touched the back of her neck on instinct. She rubbed the long scar that ran from her right ear and down, trying to remember. But she couldn't. She never could no matter how hard she tried.

"Yes, but I haven't had one in a couple weeks" frowned Zoya, taking deep breaths. Speaking of the dreams unconsciously brought out her anxiety.

"Is it still the same one?"

Zoya nodded. It was always the same one.

"It's okay Aapi, one day you'll remember everything" assured Noor, but Zoya wasn't sure if she ever wanted to find out what happened. How she'd gotten that scar. Wishing for the conversation to be over, Zoya decided to change the topic.

"So tell me, when can I move in?"


"Bhai! Over here" Arjun waved from the arrivals barrier as Aditya adjusted his sunglasses. The wave of heat hit him like a brick and he removed his leather jacket as he made his way to Arjun.

"Arjun" he hugged his brother tightly, it had been a long time. A very long time. Both brothers looked at each other and hugged once more. Quickly they made their way out of the airport and into the air conditioned car waiting for them.

"Bhai, how are you doing?" Asked Arjun, as they cruised along the thin airport traffic.

"I'm doing okay, what about you?" he replied. Arjun was the baby of the family but yet he was always the more mature and sensible one. After Aditya had left everything, Arjun had stepped up, taking care of a large part of Hooda enterprises, with Yash.

"I'm...I'm okay. Just worried...about dad, you know" sighed Arjun, tears welling in his eyes.

"Have you been back to the house yet?" he asked, "Did you see dad?"

"No not yet, he only just got in today" replied Arjun, "when I spoke to him, it seemed like he was busy with the lawyer, so he asked for me to wait till later tonight to see him"

Aditya frowned, that was strange. He wanted to meet his lawyers before seeing his sons? Not usually how his father operated.

"And what about Yash?" Aditya knew Yash was probably at Hooda enterprises. The workaholic that he was, he didn't think Yash would take even a day off to visit dad.

"No, he hasn't been over either." Arjun paused as his phone beeped. He took it out and scanned he text message, "Sorry bhai, I'm going to have drop you at your place right and head to the office, it's urgent. I'll text you and we'll go over to see dad tonight"

"No that's alright, drop me off at Banjara first and then I'll meet you at the house"

Banjara was one of the three highend clubs Aditya owned in Mumbai. With sister chains opening up in London, Aditya had made a name for himself in the club scene. The entertainment sector of Hooda enterprises flourished under Aditya's wing, and now he had raised the standards high for competitors. Of course, the past few years he had been touch and go with managing but he was lucky to have his brothers and friends.

They arrived at Banjara and Aditya waved bye to Arjun as the car sped away. Tossing his jacket over his shoulder, he entered his pride and joy.

"Aditya, my man" yelled Viraj over the loud music. He was Aditya's managing partner and college friend, "You're back!" he slapped Aditya on the back and the two of them grinned.

"Hey man" the both of them clasped each other's hand and hugged. They spent a few minutes catching up, with Viraj updating him on the latest changes to the club. With that, Aditya grabbed his drink and made his way to the VIP balcony. The first of the club goers were just making their way in.

As he watched, he wondered if maybe...just of the girls entering the club might be her. He had searched for over a year, looking for her but he would always land right where back where he started. He had put ads in the paper and hired investigators but they always turned out empty handed. Slowly, he sipped his whisky and rum, rolling around the name that haunted his dreams on his tongue. "Zoya" he whispered.


Hope you liked the chapter! I'll have the next chapter up soon! Please leave a comment if you are enjoying so far! Any theories on what might be going on?

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