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The house had everyone in it. Three couples plus Mae, Beau, and two of his siblings. I was trying to help Riley make dinner for the ten of us while my brother and Beau grilled. Mae tried helping but there wasn't much left to do besides set the table.

"What happened to your arm?" Colton looked worried about the massive bruise on my arm that was slowly getting worse.

"Oh uh I had to get my birth control replaced. So, condoms for the next few days until this kicks in."

Everyone was having a good time. Mae and Beau were hitting it off, but she still wasn't taking the bait. I surprisingly had nothing to do with it. He just genuinely liked her. A lot.

We all helped clean up while my brother and Riley went down to the fire pit. The sun was setting and it was perfect. Beau was recording and Declan took pictures. She said yes.

We had the good champagne waiting for them back up at the house to celebrate. Beau and Robert started the fire and I went up to my room to change.

"I could get used to seeing this all summer." Colton commented on my half naked appearance. I know you said we had to wait.."

"I said nothing about waiting, just have to be careful." He took that as an invitation to throw me into the bed.

Twenty minutes later, we rejoined the party outside. "Have a little fun there Henley?"

"If by fun, you mean have some hot dirty sex, then yes Beau. I did have fun."

"I hate you."

"You brought that on yourself, dude." Riley laughed into her wine glass. "Everyone knows Henley is a seriously sexual person. Have you seen her dance?"

"I have." Colton laughed at my future sister in law. "I would like to see it again."

Those dances are reserved for Colton and Colton only.

Mae and Declan grabbed my brother's guitar and started singing. If this whole doctor thing didn't work out for Mae, they could probably make it in Nashville. They sang mostly songs about love because it was definitely in the air. Even I was getting cuddly with my boyfriend.

"I should get going before we drink too much."

"There's an extra bed in my room, if you wanted to stay." Mae offered.

"Yeah that would be great."

Colton and I left after I finished a bottle of wine to myself. I was ready for bed but the rest of the house wasn't. "You can stay out there, I don't mind."

"I'm about ready for bed so I'm glad you are too. I'm going to take a shower quick then I'll be in."

Most of our time in California was spent on the beach. I wanted a tan and that was hard with my skin. Beau brought us to parties in hopes he would get closer to Mae. And it worked eventually.

"Come on, it's just a kiss." I urged her.

"If a kiss is just a kiss to you, I feel bad. A kiss should never be 'just a kiss'." She told me and danced her way towards her new flame.

"Are you ready to meet my family?" Colton asked as he handed me a drink. 

"No, not at all. I'm scared."

"I love you, they will too."

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