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"Kendall Francis Schmidt! Put me down!" Tori kicks and hits her fists against Kendall's back side as he carries her upside down over his shoulder.

"Oh no. You started this. I'm gonna finish it."

"Please! No! I just straightened my hair!"

"Poor thing. Guess you'll learn to pick your battles better next time!" He starts into a jog, making Tori squirm harder than before.

"Kendall, stop!" She starts to giggle in an admittance to defeat. 

"Hold your breath!"


Kendall's mind jumbles in confusion as he pats the empty space in the bed next to him. He could've sworn that she was right next to him. 

It was just a dream.

"You good, Dude?" Dustin looks up from his phone at his messy haired friend. 

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm good." Kendall shakes his head.

"You better be. Our final concert of the tour is tonight and it will be recorded and live. So, go drink some tea and eat your kale or whatever you need to do to get perky."

"Are we almost to the stadium?" Kendall asks and sits up on the couch.

"Yeah. Just another 30 minutes or so, but we made good time driving, so we're super early. It's only 8:00 a.m local time."

I wonder if Tori is up. 

On the off chance that she isn't, I'm just going to send her a text.

Me: "Hey, I've been gone forever, but I'm coming home tonight. I'll be on the first flight home."

Just as I send the text my phone starts to ring.

"Good morning, Beautiful." He squeezes his pillow to his chest and on the other end of the line Tori smiles as she gets into her car.

"Hello, Handsome. How are you today?"

"I'm missing you. In fact, I just had a great dream." Kendall pushes the throw blanket back and sits up.

"Was it about Sebastian Stan? If so, we totally just had the same dream."

"Uh no. But, close. I had a dream about you. I just miss you so much that even my conscienceless state is telling me to go see you. I'm gonna be on the first flight home."

"Dang. It was gonna be hot if you had a dream about Seb too." Tori fakes a sigh to sound disappointed.  "I miss you too and I want you back as soon as possible, but I also want you to be safe. If you feel like you need rest after the show, that's okay with me. I just wanted to hear your voice before I go to work today."

"Are you heading in?"

"Yes. Got my coffee and I'm ready to decorate some interiors for snobby rich people who have more money than they know what to do with."

"Hey, be nice. I was once one of those snobby rich peoples. It's how we met."

"I remember. Hah. But, you weren't snobby or rude. I actually shouldn't complain. I'm having fun on this project. I'm decorating a fancy hotel and each floor is more elaborate and expensive then the last. I also have a customer already booking my services for when I'm finished with this project."

"I know you'll do great, Babe."

"Thanks, Sweetie. Good luck tonight. I can't wait to see you tomorrow."

"I told you that I'd be seeing you tonight." Kendall persists. 

"Yeah. You do keep saying that. But once you realize how tired you are then you're gonna change your mind. Nashville to New York is a big leap. And I heard on the news that the weather is gonna be bad stormy around here."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2022 ⏰

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